Greating Wizards,
A new change log has been released including a general quality of life upgrade:
- An in-game interface for remapping the game's hotkeys
- Screen edge scrolling of the overland map
- An in-game editor for the game's default items (without having to use the ITEMMAKE.EXE utility)
- Context-based help in the item designer (both for crafting and for default items)
- A map generator customizer to fine tune values such as land tile counts, terrain and mineral frequencies, encounter budgets, neutral city density / strength, and many others
- A new screen to enable/disable optional patch features on a per-game basis, such as allowing Life and
- Death books at the same time, which previously required externally applying and removing optional patches
- An extra button on the first screen of new game creation that quick-starts with the last used wizard profile (restoring all selections, and going straight to map generation with a single click)
- An extended settings screen with all previously removed options restored (such as the end of turn wait), and a few more added
- Quick load functionality
- View location save/recall (8 slots, saved with the games without changing format)
- Army and city cycling on the overland map, city cycling interface buttons on the city screen
on-the-fly renaming of cities from the city screen - A new random item generator that's not limited to attribute boost powers
Thank you for your support
Changed files in this update