Here's a new patch with several QoL improvements and a new weapon: the Plasma Gun!
[Gameplay changes]
- New Weapon: Plasma Gun (Ice Orb moved further away in the Time Map)
- New Relic: Golden Apple
- Abe's Presidential Barrier Ability: new "Bilateralism" option at level 4. Increased cooldown to 20s
- Reduced Shuriken damage
- Fixed Giant Electrodes too powerful on some large enemies due to their size
- Improved cursed enemy bullets experience, less "unfair kills" (h/t @.tsst)
- TimeMap: new "BUY" notification icon on affordable items
- Renamed "Blessing" into "Luck" (h/t @.tsst)
- Renamed "Slots" to "Weapon Slots", and moved it up in the player stats panel
- New in game Tutorial about the fourth weapon slot
- Lowered Time Circle brightness (still WIP!) (h/t @.tsst)
- Decreased enemy disappear-on-death timeout by 60% (h/t @Eyedea)
- Heart of Gold Relic: the label for the Gold removed is now shown with the correct color
- Ability slot shows a new animation for "Ability ready" (h/t @Cranked)
- Relic status for some purged Relics now shows useful info
- TimeMap: Fixed boost popup showing below PLAY button (h/t @Cranked)
- Fixed: Reset Game modifiers mode when importing savegame (h/t @Lowlife555)
- Fixed: Giant Electrode cooldown reduction is not working on ability levelup
- Fixed: Anita's Ability name
- Fixed: typo in Cleo's Ability description (h/t @Cranked)
- Fixed: ability levelup popping up multiple times per level
- Various fixes in text and translations
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Changed files in this update