We've been gathering all your feedback and have made the following updates to the demo that will also be in the final game:
- The town board and message boxes now react to the 'Larger Text' and 'High Contrast' settings.
- Prettier night-time lighting from lanterns, especially on Medium graphics quality.
- Improved GPU performance in Veridian Valley and Dapplewood.
- Added more places to sit in Veridian Valley. This has made Katy and Yazz very, very happy.
- It should no longer be possible to trap yourself when placing or upgrading a building on the ranch.
- You can now access ranch storage during the farming tutorial, in case you put the pond and storage unit into storage.
- Fixed controls occasionally being permanently locked by the dino care tutorial.
- Fixed the saddle tutorial being skippable by saving during the morning report just before it would be triggered.
- Dismounted dinos in the ranch will no longer automatically follow the player.
- You can no longer drop items into the Triassea Picnic food pile and be unable to retrieve them.
- The large food pile will now last for 3 days rather than 2.
- You can no longer name the player or a dino with whitespace.
- Fixed produce getting stuck to a small dino's head because they really don't like this.
- Fixed dinos sinking when coming out of small sleeping patch (this was our most amusing bug this round)
- Fixed a case where dinos could go missing on the ranch.
- Fixed large dino followers crowding the player because they need personal space.
- Fixed merchants giving away free rocks and things because as kind as this world is, there is still an economy.
- Fixed an error in the quest log when loading older saves with certain town board quests.
- Fixed a softlock when dismounting + using a dino skill at the same time.
- Fixed errors when using a dino's watering skill on tiles just as a small dino planted or harvested them.
- Fixed a few animation bugs where the player would drop through the saddle.
- Fixed obvious pop-in of Forsythia bushes.
- Fixed obvious pop-in of Wuerhosaurus.
- Fixed various cases where the game would get stuck on pause after tabbing out during loading screens.
- Fixed several crashes.
- Many other things too minor to mention.
Changed depots in development branch