Lets get right into the highlights of this update!
Classic Campaign way faster loading times
Have you noticed that it could take quite a while to load in the classic campaign? This is now fixed with dynamic loading of the classic campaign levels, resulting in sweet load times!
+80% Faster!
Especially noticeable on the Steam Deck
EXTRA: First person mode
After completing the Most Wanted achievement, you unlock the First Person Mode. Because why not look at the tanks up-close when shooting them?! Enable first person mode in the unlockables menu.
Also: Third Person Mode has been improved, much more fun in the night missions! ;)
The full change-log
- Fixed king tank bullets not working in multiplayer
- Fixed king tank missing animations and SFX in multiplayer
- Boss Tank HP bars should never be able to go out of bounds again
- Fixed that when typing a lobby name, it resets to default when another player joins
- King Tank has the heavy tracks sound again
- Fixed game start values (no more low audio, weird resolutions and the like)
- Fixed being able to get out of survival maps
- Resolutions based are now based on aspect ratios
- Bunch more resolutions added
- Fixed snow mode creating snow floating above half slabs
- Fixed that if you have only normal bullets unlocked there is two bullet skins unlocked, but both of them are the normal skin
- Fixed enemy health bars for custom tanks keep awkwardly snapping instead of smoothing being above their heads
- Fixed thunder completely removing boss themes
- Added sound when saving custom tank
- Commandos have their colored team laser sights again
- Fixed SHIFT+ H message showing controller shortcut when not using controller
- Also Shift+H does not work when typing map name
- Player location is now synced with server when the player is down, so that there are no de-syncs when trying to revive another player
- Volume sliders are now working with controllers
- Controls menu controller is now accessible with controllers (need testing on steam deck)
- Trying to enter map editor with controller wont work and gives a note message
- Browse lobbies menu now works with controllers
- You have unlocked XXX tank in the editor is now translated
- Lobby menu is now partially navigable with controller, but its a WIP
- Fixed conveyor belts can have the menu key used on them but the text box has nothing
- Fixed ratio and Resolution select at the same time when using controller
- Fixed custom player speed not working in playing mode on grandpa maps
- Fixed the speed of bullets that pass through electric pads/barriers are bugged in multiplayer
- Fixed path-finding for Gary
- Fixed a bug where you would die instantly on some levels in the classic campaign
- Fixed adding mission past 100 , wiping the current mission 100
- Fixed low health effects on custom tank, now working again with the new HP system
- Fixed blocks highlighting green with no reason, especially when using SHIFT and dragging
- Orange bomb tank has the orange tank theme now
- Fixed instantly dissapearing effects on some bullet skins
- Added a progress bar when loading scenes from main menu
- Improved loading time to classic campaign
- Player UI stats are added again, you can enable them in the video section in the settings
- Confirm menu added when leaving the game in all game modes
- Editing a multiplayer campaign now shows with which gamemodes its suitable
- Multplayer maps now stay consistent when coming back from an in-game match
- Added more translations and fixed some texts not showing in russian
- Refresh button added in the map list for hosts
- Survival mode, fixed some blocks having weird rotations
- Enemies will not try and deflect bullets that can't be deflected
- Fixed hex codes not updating after opening the custom tank menu
- Tick sound doesn't play anymore when opening the custom tank menu
- Fixed bug where lowering the audio a little bit, cuts out the audio completely
- Fan custom tanks wont be able to blow away friendlies
- Survival tanks spawning will now have their turrets face their goal
- Also in survival, player 3 won't start with 10x amount HP (lol)
- New weather appearing should stutter less
- Made changes to screenshake not going out of bounds
- I added a new system that combines objects and creates one huge mesh out of them, drastically improving performance on playing basically all custom campaigns, as well as tanks navigation smartness on top of blocks!
- First Person Mode added in Unlockables menu, you need to have the Most Wanted achievement
- Fixed menu bug where there would be a "Continue" button for survival mode maps
- You can now test campaigns in Third Person Mode
- You can now force players in Third Person Mode in campaigns (might need to be further tested)
- Scrolling in video settings is now faster
- This version contains the mesh grouper from the Youtube video
- King tank bullets not flying over player tanks anymore
- Unlimited FPS option added
- Fixed level 100 tanks on the pillars having incorrect barrels
- Repair sound fixed, it was missing in multiplayer
- Fixed AI pathinding in multiplayer , causing tanks to be "twitching" on client side
- Fixed tanks keep driving forward after being downed in multiplayer
- Fixed bullet counter showing toddler bullets amount before game starts
- Explosive bullets won't trigger each other when being dropped from the bomberplane
Changed files in this update