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Russian Village Simulator update for 25 September 2023

Russian Village SIMULATOR game release!

Share · View all patches · Build 12275109 · Last edited 25 September 2023 – 13:52:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, friends!
Here comes that long-awaited day - the day of release of our game "Russian Village Simulator".

It's been 15 days since the release of the major update. During this time we have added a lot of interesting things to the game, namely:

  1. Added 19 new quests and new NPCs.
  2. Added the ability to fish in lakes and 5 types of fish.
    You will need to buy a rod from a fisherman near the lake.

  1. Added new locations: "At the Fortune Teller's". "Railroad station" (with its own quest), "Kindergarten" with quests from Julia.

  1. Added 11 new recipes.

  1. Added the ability to buy geese.

  1. Improved sawing of timbers: now you don't have to saw timbers one by one, but can specify the number of timbers at once.
  2. After completing quests from NPCs, these NPCs will be doing their own things, not just walking around the village.

8. The game has Photo Mode, you can run it on the P button and take beautiful screenshots.
  1. Added more Buchanoks.
  2. Added two granny vendors at the "Theme Park" location.

  1. Some of the items have had their balance changed.
  2. Animals now cost more.

  1. Added the ability to grow beets.
  2. Added 17 achievements.
  3. Added an extra clip on TV.
16. Added 11 new tracks. Now there are 32 of them in the game. All tracks are written from scratch specifically for our game.
  1. Fixed the clothes of some NPCs.
17. If you linger in the menu, you will be waiting for various animated references.

  1. And other minor changes and improvements.

We still have a lot of different improvements and updates in the plans. But the fate of the game depends solely on the activity of players.

For those who started the game in early access we recommend starting the game over to avoid the problems that were in the old patches.

Please note: the price of the game a week after the release will be increased as a lot of new content has been added to the game. Hurry up and buy the game!.

Windows 64-bit Depot 2455375
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