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Forgotten Hill The Third Axis update for 26 October 2023

Forgotten Hill The Third Axis is available on Steam!

Share · View all patches · Build 12273327 · Last edited 26 October 2023 – 14:19:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

TL;DR: Forgotten Hill The Third Axis, our first 3D game, is now available on Steam for Pc and Mac for free!

A bit longer story: when we first released The Third Axis on the web and mobile our plan were to add more chapters to this first story and when the we would have enough chapter or the story will be completed, we would have released a long complete game on Steam. That's basically what we did for Forgotten Hill Tales and what is happening with Forgotten Hill The Wardrobe.

But then, one September day that at first seemed the same as all the others, some Unity guys (Unity is the engine we used to develop the game) decided they are entitled to change the rules of the market and break the trust developer put in them.
You probably all know the story (if not there's a good recap here), a few days later they changed their mind, they said they are not going to change terms retroactively anymore, the mind behind this "retired", but still we cannot feel too relieved. At this time we can't afford to invest our time and efforts using a tool owned by people we don't trust.
Would this mean the Third Axis ends here? Not at all, we still want to go on and make more chapters as we still have a lot of things to tell, but we need to make some decision (first is which engine will we move to?) so in the meantime enjoy the first chapter of Forgotten Hill The Third Axis, and let us know what you think!

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