_Hello everyone! It's been a while since the last big update...and that's because I've been hard at work polishing up the game and implementing a bunch of really small features/ bug fixes
It's time for another huge content update!_
New Map: Castle
The screenshots really don't do this map justice—the amount of detail I put into this one is incredible :)
Play Capture the Flag on two sides of the same castle! There's huge verticality, bridges, hideouts, and parts of some towers are even enterable!
- I've also bumped the number of maps in the map vote to 6 to accomadate
2 new Abilities
Hardened Bullet
This is a new always active passive ability
- The first bullet of the mag deals 1.5X damage. For example, the damage for the AK is something like [48, 23, 23, 23 etc]. For the shotgun pistol, one of the pellets is randomly chosen to do 1.5X damage
- Overall it's a pretty unique ability, there will be more abilities soon that modify game rules or centre around combat rather than movement. Let me know on the Paint Warfare Discord if you have ideas!
Med Kit
- This replaces the old 'Heal' ability with something that's also useful for cooperation team-based modes. If you bought the old heal ability, you'll have this automatically unlocked
- You can throw the medkit down to your feet (instantly drops) or anywhere you like
- It deals a small explosion where it drops where it heals 30HP for you/teammates in the radius
- It then heals 10HP every second for 8 seconds for you/teammates standing in the radius
- So essentially if you see one of your allies are low, you can throw the medkit at them and heal them :)
Overhauled: Glider
The glider has been due for an overhaul for ages, it's been hardly used because it was weak and it also wasn't very fun to use.
- Momentum: if you fly downwards for long/fast enough, you build up momentum in your glider which you can use to fly up really fast as well
- Buffed the overall speed of the glider
- Added wind SFX depending on the speed, and the camera now zooms slightly depending on how fast you're going
Overhauled: Radar
- The radar was very weak, so now on top of showing enemies through walls, it now displays directional arrows around your crosshair to reveal nearby enemies to you
Overhauled: Super Speed Boots
- Super speed boots now increase speed while midair as well
New Map Feature: Giant Fans
This was the suggestion of some of the members on our community Paint Warfare Discord Server. I've only added it to the new castle map for the time being.
Polish & Bug Fixes
- Reworked a lot of the code base to minimise bugs and speed up future development time
- Fixed the consistency of double jumping—sometimes double jumping would not always work
- Fixed the glider not activating correctly
- Fixed the equip buttons not updating in the respawn armoury when changing from primary -> secondary weapons
- New quality option: Max (increases shadow rendering distance and makes them look a lot nicer by smoothing them)
- Smaller bug fixes
Changed files in this update