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Suit for Hire update for 25 September 2023

Update #18: The Miami Debut

Share · View all patches · Build 12272340 · Last edited 25 September 2023 – 18:19:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone!

We're pleased to announce that the Miami Debut update has finally been released and is available on the official version of the game.

We've done extensive testing with the community these past few months so everything should be smooth sailing, if you experience any issues though, please let us know!

Additionally, to celebrate this update, we're also participating in the SHMUP-Fest by doing a 40% discount now until October 2nd!

If you're new to the game or haven't kept up with our past few devlogs, this post will summarize most of what we've added/changed in the game. There were a lot of bugs fixed so we sadly can't cover that but we'll make sure to have our eyes peeled for any bugs reported in the coming weeks.

A New Series

The Miami Debut is only the beginning of the new Miami Series, containing chapters that will challenge you in new and fresh ways. This update currently contains 3 chapters of the 7 that we plan on releasing, and there may be more if we find the time/resources to do so.

The Miami Series is unlocked after completing the Toronno Series (originally named Campaign), get in there and unlock those new primary weapons!

We Need Guns

Alongside new levels comes new weaponry, the loadout menu now holds the ability to customize your primary weapon, both of which can be unlocked by completing chapters throughout the game- the Revolver and Silenced Pistol add new and interesting ways to play the game.

On top of the new primary weapon system, we also added 2 new secondary weapons that you'll find throughout the game and its new chapters.

Get in there and try them out, we have more guns/weapons planned for the upcoming months and we're always listening for feedback to improve the current set of weapons.

New Mechanics

We've added some fun new mechanics and improvements that should add some more spice to your melee combat and gun handling.

Grappling is a new move that you can use (hotkey can be changed in the Settings menu), grapple enemies and use them as a body-shield or throw them at other enemies/the environment- this was a tough mechanic to add so definitely let us know if you're encountering any problems with it!

Countering has also been slightly adjusted to use the grapple key instead of the Interact key, we have BIG plans for the counter system that we think you'll enjoy quite a bit- we can't make promises when that update will happen though as big changes will be made to our AI first.

Aiming has been improved on PC, if you're physically aiming at an enemy with your cursor at a different height, you should be guaranteed to auto-aim at that enemy. This should make hitting enemies on PC a lot better, let us know how it feels.

Kicking and opening doors is a bit more realistic (and dramatic, depending on which option you go with), should add a fun and interesting way to enter rooms!

More can be found in the video below:

... and much more. The game has had many adjustments all throughout, including some improvements in older chapters. We're striving to improve not only new content but old content as well so everyone's experience is a great one. We hope that this new update is fun for everyone and marks a new chapter for the game, we're looking forward to providing more consistent and frequent updates in the months to come with new features, chapters, and more.

We haven't been able to fix a few issues just yet though and we're working away on them or keeping them for a future patch, below are some known issues that we'll be looking into resolving.


  • In the Cathedral/Art Exhibit, it may be a bit difficult for the player to figure out what to do/where to go, we'll be adding some sort of dialogue system or something of the sort to lead the player
  • Some colors are a bit difficult to see for some players, such as enemies through walls- we'll add some customization for this since it can pose as an accessibility issue
  • Enemies crouching/staggered are sometimes difficult to hit
  • Weird issue if the player has multiple monitors and aims at the edge of their screen, the player's aim would freak out like the window lost focus
  • Audio not resetting in Toronno, Chapter 2
  • Enemies getting stuck in some spots due to losing navigation (like on the boats in Shipyard)
  • When a player is executing an enemy, other enemies can kill/hit the executed enemy
  • Save Phones don't offer much for the game, we'll be removing these in a future patch

Thank you for all of the support these past few months, and a big thank you to everyone who submitted feedback, bug reports, and suggestions leading up to this update. Please send us more so we can make future patches/updates great!

Discuss the game with us and the community on Discord and Twitter. If you want to see the game developed live, catch Crimson on Twitch.

Report any bugs or feedback on our Community Hub.

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