Hello Super Raft Boat Together players! It's been a while since there's been an update. We've been preparing this for a while now so there's tons of new stuff, let's take a look!
New Biome: Soda Sea
After Electric Flow, fend off enemies of sea and sky that have been influenced by Soda! The enemies are tough, and the boss Cooler is even tougher!
- Soda Fish has an extra jump using a soda bottle burst to propel upwards.
- Bluejay will shoot a six pack of soda bottle missiles towards you, and wanders while recharging soda.
- Soda Shark will charge up a dash to chomp through multiple rafts, make sure to take them out!
- Soda bottles will hurt rafts and players if they collide.
- Soda geysers will destroy rafts and knock players into the air!
Super Raft Swapper
The "Super Raft Swapper" can now appear at the Ship of Deals! Swap out your raft for the run and try a new raft! There are 12 super rafts to use total: 4 from the character's super rafts, 4 that will show up in the shop, and 4 you can unlock to show up at the shop.
New Super Rafts
Here are the 4 super rafts that will show up by default, try to unlock the other 4!
Construction Raft
Faster build rate when standing on them.
Marksman Raft
Increased fire rate and critical chance while standing on them.
Powder Keg Raft
Explodes after an amount of time after being placed or when destroyed.
Bumper Raft
Bounces entities that touch it.
Weapons Dealer
In addition to the Super Raft Swapper, there's also a Weapons Dealer where you can swap to different weapons for the right amount of coins.
Raftport, Rescues, and Missions
Raftport has been polished up and condensed, and Ron got a fishing stand for his rods! Also, where did everybody go? During runs you'll have to find and rescue them and regain their services!
There are now missions to track progression like rescues and Kraken defeats, and daily missions that refresh every day. Missions can give coins and bottles, and tougher ones will unlock new content like areas and super rafts. Some missions will also show up after finishing others, what else could there be to unlock?
Path to Kraken
Each time you defeat the Kraken Swarm, you'll gain a new tentacle added to the Kraken Statue in Raftport. When the statue gets four tentacles added, you'll be able to face off against the Super Kraken!
Each Kraken victory will change up the next run and slightly vary them up. Defeating the Super Kraken unlocks looping and more variance to runs. Can you finish the Kraken Statue?
Keybindings have been a top request and something we wanted in since launch, so it's nice to finally have it implemented!
The Rest of the Update
There's a lot of big stuff in this update, but also a lot of smaller things. Here's the full patch notes of everything not talked about above.
Other New Content
- New Boss: Otter
- New Boss: Cooler
- New Boss: Giant Jellyfish
- New Boss: Giant Bone Fish
- New Trinket: Quickdraw Cola
- New Trinket: Misfire Mantle
- Reenabled Trinket: Soggy Toolbox
- Raft refill rate is faster with less players.
- Squad trinkets now scale to be less powerful with a larger squad.
- Macro Mush health buff is now 1 heart.
- Smelly Sea Pickle decription fixed (takes half a heart away, but it said it took 1 heart).
- Orange Soda will now heal 4 hearts instead of full.
- Quantity Wood now also makes super rafts cost an extra raft.
- Glass Hat no longer works as a ghost.
- Seagulls are slower and glide for longer and further after a drill attack.
- Fish are slightly slower.
- Trout are slower but have more health.
- Wahoo Fish are faster but have less health.
- Crabs are twice as fast at destroying rafts.
- Dolphin won't dash on the first "Path to Kraken" run.
- Pufferfish spike bullets do quarter heart damage (big spikes from Giant Pufferfish still do half heart)
- Super rafts now have different raft costs.
- Coins collected from runs can no longer be used in runs. Coins remaining from runs are taken back to be used at Raftport.
- Last enemy in swarm drops coins now.
- Trinket bottles can now be picked up in water.
- Wave and Shop events have higher chance of happening each time they don't happen.
- Improved mini-boss randomization.
- Tutorial will now end after the first boss and the tour has been updated.
- New Option: Toggle Status Effect Particles
- Beta's super raft the Buddy Raft now also speeds up players on it.
- Beta's hi-five with his Buddy Raft will also hi-five closeby Buddy Rafts (he can only hi-five penguins not already being hi-fived)
- Money is now shown in the trinket squad screen for the crew.
- Optimized status effects.
- Other small improvements/fixes.
Changed files in this update