Thanks, everyone, for playing and for all the incredibly positive feedback! This version of the game feels much better to me, and I am looking forward to seeing how it feels to you!
[center]Big news! We're included in the Steam Shmup Fest sale![/center]
[center]Interstellar Sentinel 2.0.1 Build Notes[/center]
Level & Gameplay Tweaks:
- New ship intro for all levels, it's DELICIOUS!
• Level 03:
- Checking Monster Trophy timing in pacifist mode for a late grab.
• Level 04:
The camera now stops once the boss is defeated.
- Adjusted Lesser demon bonus spawn in Gondus fight to be higher and pushed back a little more to the right side of the screen. They were a little too devilish to deal with...
- Fixed weak spot layering against player weapon layering order.
• Level 08:
- Watch out for duplicate flesh walls near the end of this level.
• Super Weapon Shenanigans:
- Fixed score going wild with the super weapon bullet cancel.
• General:
- Moved DBK spawn to center stage left.
- Item scoring and extra lives score fixes (it was possible with insane monster trophies to gain over 80K lives...)
Weapon and Ability Adjustments:
- Gun portals are now adjusted!
-- Top gun portal is aligned with your weak spot to give guidance without having to look at your weak pot
-- Bottom gun portal is brought forward to not catch the eye as much and to bring all visual information together. This also tightens up the weapon-switching efficiency by not creating as far of a sightline leading for the bullets
-- Auto gun portal is now higher and further back to provide more combat utility. Let us know what you think!
• Triple Scythe Laser:
- Adjusted this back to the gun portal version without the summoned gun.
- Front scythe beam extends out a further
- Nerfed damage. This thing was ripping bosses into new dimensions...
• Infini Laser:
- Damage buffed.
• Top & Bottom Spinning Cannon Vertical Spread Shot:
- Tuned down vertical spread weapon damage.
- Tuned up damage on the quad plasma laser.
- Buffed the cross quad plasma laser weapon set.
• Weapon Set 11 (Octo Plasma Laser + Missile Fan):
- Missile fan has a shorter loop between missile salvos after the initial charge rate.
- Fixed top weapon alignment on weapon set 09 (Penta Spread Shot with reverse ripple shot).
- Adjusted fire rate on the bottom missile fan to be stronger, faster, and beefier in the nacho department
Visual and Audio Enhancements:
• Player Weak Spot and Visuals:
- Updated player weak spot visuals and tweaked layering order with player bullets.
- Adjusted weapon positions to give more guidance and visibility for the player's weak spot.
- Adjusted health up sound effects.
- Forced DBK into better acting classes for weapon up and weapon down voice lines.
User Interface and Progression:
- You can now view your highscores from the main menu
- Update the super weapon visual effect position to be centered around the DrBossKeys weak spot
- Updated title screen with cooler art and a chill scroll.
• Level ending postcards - Changed to a button hold and press backup for dismissing the ending image.
So there you have it, Sentinels! Our Interstellar Sentinel 2.0.1 has seen polish and tuning across lots of places!. Get out there and restore balance to Sreevus's twisted universe!
Changed files in this update