New Content
- New Song: Sucker Punch by Falconite
- New Song: Viridian by Falconite
- New Modifier: Strobe, like flashlight the notes fade out but in this mode they all fade in and out at the same time.
- New modifier: Judgement mode, turn on judgements to test yourself! (This will not affect your leader board or high score)
- Grace Period at the start of all songs. Now up till 0.05 seconds before the first note any ghost taps you do will no longer affect accuracy or lose health.
- 3 New Profile frames. Colour variants of the original 3 seasonal frames that are now available for completing 3,5 and 10 songs or more with S or higher.
- Added an import .OSZ option that helps make it easier to extract the .OSU file
- Songs that don't have custom loading screens will now use the default Rhythium loading screen instead of Dusk
- Each month of the year now has a set Season, this will no longer have any rewards but for those of you wanting to try the monthly challenge it's now available.
- Profile frames for the support creator DLC now have an steam symbol next to them in the selection menu to make it easier to see where you get it from
- New Image for Starter Kit
- New Image for Car on a Walk
- The tool tip when looking at mods in the quick select menu is slightly larger to make it easier to read.
- The credits section has been updated with the new songs
- A full redesign of the convert song menu to utilise the space better and only show you relevant information.
- For the folders: Import Folder, Export Folder, CustomSongs, Custom Song Converter and CustomSongBackground. If you try to open these via their respective button and the folder no longer exists it will create a new folder with that name.
Bug fixes/general fixes
- Fixed a grammatical error in the song list
- Fixed the tool tip for Mirror Mode
- Opening a menu while listening to a song demo will no longer pause all music.
- Fixed a bug that could cause all judgements to award 100 points instead of 50 or 300
- Fixed a bug that caused the credits to sometimes open halfway down.
- Fixed a bug where the new High score text would not appear when achieving a new high score.
- Fixed a bug in the song converter, where if you had already converted that song before it would not throw up an error
- Fixed several instances where the text box was blocking part of an button
Changed files in this update