Hello everyone,
This is the Metal Unit development team.
Here's the latest update patch note!
Added Extreme Mode
This challenging mode will allow you to create weapons never seen before!
Added a new original music track to the end credits
Added new achievements related to EX Mode
Added new optional shortcuts to speed up menuing
Added the Shock status effect
This new status effect will paralyze enemies and make flying enemies fall.
A player affected by this status will have their Ultimate Gauge depleted instead.
Adjusted some weapon hitboxes to be more player friendly
Fixed an issue that allowed the player to softlock during the tutorial
Edited some maps with new paths to improve game flow
Fixed some clipping issues in some maps
Fixed some props not appearing in some maps
Fixed the VR Room
Polished the visuals of some items
Improved the behavior of Battle Shout
Added Halloween map in Forestia, allowing you to unlock an old event skin
This map can appear when going to the dungeons in camps.
Fixed an issue that played incorrect music track in some maps
Steam Community: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1173200/discussions/
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/AzpY29t
Metal Unit Support Team: metalunit_support@neowiz.com
Official Twitter: @metal_unit
Thank you!
Changed files in this update