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Squirrelmageddon! update for 24 September 2023

v1.07.996 - Secret squirrel business...

Share · View all patches · Build 12265992 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:24:33 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Squirrel Brain Surgery:

So, I couldn't help myself... I went in and experimented again with the inner workings of the squirrel brain... this time with the results are a nice balance between exploration and action!

The tweaks:

  • hunting mode triggered by proximity
  • default passive mode for Red, White, Green
  • quad points trigger all squirrels in the area to hunt the player

Results of the surgery:

  • more emergent gameplay
  • slower initial buildup into the inevitable chaos of becoming the hunted
  • more opportunity to search dwellings for loot
  • 'the unexpected squirrel'
  • more ebb and flow of pacing / action
  • more arena of engagement preparation time

Core Gameplay!

Aside from the mutated squirrel brains, I've added Extraction and Rescue mechanics to the gameplay loop...

Extraction mechanics
  • Objectives completed: "get to the transport!" message
  • Return to the nearest form of transport to extract from the mission zone. Failure is not an option.
Rescue Mechanics

Failed your mission? Can't handle the current state of affairs?
Just wait there contemplating the meaning of your existence in a world run by squirrels... Maybe someone will come along soon to talk some sense into you... The local squirrels appear to be studying you...

  • On mission failed: player soldier becomes stranded awaiting rescue until found
  • Locating rescue targets: listen for the SOS on shortwave to locate fallen comrades.
  • (next patch: Compass Nav Markers)

Other Cool Stuff:

  • working on rain / weather effects
  • working on sound effects
  • compass added to HUD - (next patch: Compass Nav Markers)
  • updated game over UI with PTSD and THREAT LEVEL pips
    (shows what squirrel resistance strength + character PTSD increase if click continue)

Missions, Maps & Lore:

  • FINALLY: intel items added (unlocks side missions / lore - only a couple so far - more to come!)
  • Autumnal Rituals map gets squirrel Bait mission. The Hive is starving... FEED THE HIVE!
  • general tweaks to lore text
  • map tweaks


The new rescue and extraction system may have introduced some issues in multi-player. Will be fixing any reported issues in a future update. (solo dev woes / time / mass optimisation required - but fun 2 player or 3 player LAN with power server)

IMPORTANT: your old save games may behave strangely. It is highly recommended that you start a new hive from the main menu for the best experience with the new gameplay...


These and more should be fixed next patch!

  • Game over screen: on extraction hide extracted player / disconnect controller !
  • Winter Wonderland map crashes (will remove map)
  • Halloween map fixes (goes asset hunting... yes, I am not a 3d modeller or animator)
  • Character Select: level up icon strange behaviour (result of new rescue system)


Now that the new continue / rescue system is in place... I have begin invoking the Wrath of Ratatosk!

Wrath are random squirrel powers / other random effects that occur when clicking the continue button... at first these will be powers squirrels are imbued with - resulting in special abilities.

For example Spirit / Poison Projectiles... these can then be subsequently upgraded into guided projectiles, exploding projectiles etc. Planned are usual different types such as fire, poison, electricity, spirit, ice etc... with usual and unusual variants of buffs, heals, slows, timed stat effects...

There are stacks of options here... just finding the time to add them all crazy as I am currently working 3 jobs (if I include this as a job - lol)

Crazy ambitious... but it will happen - heh heh.

Ratatosk, he tasks me... he tasks me!

GLHF! Party on and I'll see ya top-side!
Stay squirrely peoples!

Windows 64-bit Squirrelmageddon! Release Depot 1470673
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