Patch notes:
This time ive been working on some big changes. Mainly gameplay and interface. I wanted to make the gameplay more of a souls-like / lite experience mixed with battlefield elements. So it's focused on 1v1 combat vs bots, but still in a large map, kind of sandbox, and i think im slowly getting there, but there is still a bit of way lol. So yea here goes:
- Player can now dodge when an enemy is close - press space bar in any direction you're moving.
- Player can do a roll to avoid incoming attacks - press left control button
- Added quicker attacks for the player
- -Attacks will reset after 0.6 seconds
- -Can still combo if you press attack button quickly before it resets
- Added a lock on / targeting ability - Press F to lock on - flick mouse left or right to change targets
- Added healing potions, press R to heal 40% hp in combat
- Added 3 new enemies
- -Dual wielding mercenary
- -Knight with sword and shield
- -Knight with a two handed sword
- Updated the animations when getting hit - will now play an on hit animation and lock controls for a short second
- Added blood effects when getting hit
- Added health bar for enemies
- Removed friendly fire / damage
- Removed destructible gate
- Changed shield blocking - now when blocking it blocks 90% of damage and rest is taken to the hp.
- Enemies should target player less often
- Fixed ragdoll bug where bots would get stuck when moving through.
- Adjusted damage for more balance
- Bots should target eachother more frequently and not get stuck so much.
- Bots will randomly pick a spot on the map and move to it, to avoid clustering.
- Added a minimap, now you can see objectives and enemies in real time
- Added a scoreboard, track kills and score - Press and hold TAB
- Added a spawn and overview map for conquest mode - now when you die you can press M to choose a new place to spawn at
- Moved the player HUD around to make it more readable
- Added shield durability bar to shield icon - now you can tell when your shield is getting destroyed
- Removed flashing damage effect
- Removed combat log
- Removed objectives hud
- Added a death screen when dying
- Changed stamina bar, now it will drain and then restore quicker
- Added FPS counter in settings menu
- Adjust graphics from day to night theme
- Reduced volumetric fog as it was causing lag
- Adjusted graphic settings and shadows for better performance
Known bugs:
- Bots will sometimes not respawn or get stuck in their spawn area.
- Bots will sometimes get stuck on walls, but they move again.
- Bots will idle in areas, but they are still functioning. They are just set to walk to random places around the map.
- Random blood when playing archer class.
Changed files in this update