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TAXINAUT update for 23 September 2023

Patch TAXINAUT version 0.8.65 WIN_EARLY

Share · View all patches · Build 12264505 · Last edited 23 September 2023 – 15:09:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Another small patch that fixes a number of things that were annoying me during my play-throughs:

  • Fix Milox has too much health.
  • Fix undiscovered but known planets show in the directory with full planet icon instead of just triangle indicator making it look like some kind of bug where you've discovered a planet but it still doesn't show on the minimap.
  • Fix 'laser beam' always spawning security.
  • Firing ship-weapons now only alerts security if there's security nearby.
  • Fix possible bug when calling StoreItem.retrieve(...) because it possibly called store(...) on the repo Item instead.
  • Fix possibility to store item uses from mods at home and in containers making it possible to farm item uses.
  • Tickets now show how much time you have left to pay them until they change into a fine.
  • If the Player gets a ticket while in a zone with a traffic authority for that ticket then one traffic authority in that zone becomes known (so that when the Player clicks on the ticket it will be less likely that it can't set the destination to a traffic authority because the player doesn't know any).
  • Fix warp speed too slow when traveling by galactic liner.
  • Manual now has a small section on laws, tickets, fines, judgements and traffic-control.
  • Fix annoying call-out bulletins opening the call-out details again when you click them to just remove them. Call-out bulletins are now removed if the call-out is removed (e.g. when it expires) or when its details are viewed.
  • Call-out 'lost' bulletin now only shows when the call-out expires or the player leaves the system.
  • Buying an Item at a shop no longer does the animation that locks you out of clicking to buy again while the animation is going. So you can now buy Items as fast as you can click.
  • Fix 'BACK' button shows at every Site (even on top pane) after loading game from for example your home store (where the 'BACK' button would have been showing).
  • Fix when warping to the system you're already in (e.g. when using a 'starburst' some things might wrongly still trigger as if you're just entering the system (e.g. you get a 'welcome to taxi-company' bulletin.

Probably next still finishing the "among the stars" storyline.

  • Loading history…
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