DDNet 17.3 has been released with the following changes:
- [Client] Automatic multi-view for players in team [Possseidon]
- [Client] Indicator on pause/unpause in demo player [Robyt3]
- [Client] Demo search bar [furo321]
- [Client] Directly render cut to video [furo321]
- [Client] Golden angle to generate unique team colors [Robyt3]
- [Client] Overhauled demo player skipping UI [Robyt3]
- [Client] Overhauled server browser filter/details/friends [Robyt3]
- [Client] Color vote if you votes yes/no [furo321]
- [Editor] Generate pixelart from images [Marmare314]
- [Client] Improved default skin [louis]
- [Client] Updated countryflags (GP, MN, MQ, MW, PY, RE)[JuralBOZO]
- [Client] Improve dbg_tuning and other debug HUD [Robyt3]
- [Client] Button to reload entities background [Robyt3]
- [Client] Improve Windows pipe (FIFO) support [Robyt3]
- [Client] Fix rendering long lines in console [Robyt3]
- [Client] Disable prediction when game is paused [Kaffeine]
- [Client] Fix long console commands help [Ryozuki]
- [Client] Don't send empty chat messages [Ryozuki]
- [Client] Fix crash with too many votes [Robyt3]
- [Client] Fix crash using goto_tele [Robyt3]
- [Client] macOS server launcher fix [M0REKZ]
- [Client] No box selection when panning [Marmare314]
- [Client] Detect server being stopped on Linux again [Teero888]
- [Client] Release mouse for X11 when LLDB breakpoint is hit [Jupeyy]
- [Client] Fix camera zooming when exiting multiview [k-i-o & Vy0x2]
- [Client] Fix lineinput selection cursor desync [Robyt3]
- [Client] Fix chat history with cl_showchat 1 [Robyt3]
- [Client] Fix countryflag scrolling [dobrykafe]
- [Client] Fix chat clipping with OpenGL backend [Jupeyy]
- [Client] Improve skin cleaning [Jupeyy]
- [Editor] ctrl+f to load map prompt [furo321]
- [Editor] Move automap rule files to subfolder [Robyt3]
- [Editor] Progress spinner when saving [Robyt3]
- [Editor] Scaling for envelopes [Marmare314]
- [Editor] Keep brush when loading another map [Robyt3]
- [Editor] Fix right-clicking envelope points [Marmare314]
- [Editor] Warn about unsaved changes when dragging map file into game [dobrykafe]
- [Editor] Fix envelope saving [Ravie]
- [Server] Testing commands: unninja, solo, deep [Robyt3]
- [Server] Fix 0.7 clients being able to join after slot change [ChillerDragon]
- [Server] NO_SKIN_CHANGE_FOR_FROZEN game info flag [Kaffeine]
- [Server] Fix everyone's swap getting reset [furo321]
- [Server] Fix /load from backup database [Zwelf]
- [Server] Fix scoreboard time reset when using /timecp [Robyt3]
- [Server] Fix SQLite connection failure assertion [Robyt3]
- [Server] Don't reigster to ipv6 when sv_ipv4only is enabled [furo321]
- [Server] Record antibot events in teehistorian [heinrich5991]
- [Server] Record join events in teehistorian [Zwelf]
- [Server] Shut down DB connection pool on errors
Changed files in this update