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Gods of Sand update for 23 September 2023

Gods of Sand v0.5.0 - Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 12261715 · Last edited 23 September 2023 – 01:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Added 2 new arenas/2 new bosses.
  • Added main story events/changes to the game's story.
  • Added a new item that you get from one of the new bosses (the other one will still be added soon as it's only a quest item that can't be used).
  • Added new items that will be available at the blacksmith if you're on the latest arenas.
  • Added the two last passives that were to be implemented.
  • Added a start animation to the main menu and fixed some issues.
  • Added an offset to some bosses to prevent the text from hiding their sprites.
  • Added 2 new Steam achievements (one for each of the new bosses defeated).
  • Added damage types to scrolling texts; bleeding, burning, and poison will now show icons and proper colors.
  • Added Steam Rich Presence; now it will show where you're at in your game to your friends.
  • Added a new common battle music.
  • Changed some SFX volumes and pitches.
  • Changed Golden Apple price from 103 to 468.
  • Changed Pirate Bomb price from 128 to 241.
  • Changed Enemy AI; now it will only use the skill Eviscerate if the player has some bleeding stacks.
  • Changed Gladiator's price calculation.
  • Changed the Blacksmith; now it won't sell repeated items.
  • Changed Suspicious Merchant's Quest; now the possible item list will include items 2 ranks above yours (based on the current arena you're in).
  • Changed Pirate boss skill; now bombs will explode earlier.
  • Changed a few bosses; they are now better balanced.
  • Changed Secret Admirer's Quest; now it will give you 180 coins instead of 130.
  • Changed Traveling Trainer's Quest; now it will give you +3 stat instead of +1.
  • Changed the formula for "Fight Power" (used for the auto-battle percentage).
  • Changed Untamed Beast Quest; now it will only appear if your best gladiator is available.
  • Changed Contracts to avoid spamming; if you win, your gladiator will have minor injuries, and major injuries if they lost without dying.
  • Changed Dog Quest; now it will only appear if your best gladiator is available.
  • Changed Enemy AI; now it will consume a Tonic only if they are 2 or 3 grids apart from the player.
  • Changed Enemy AI; now it will use the skill Concentration only if they are 2 or 3 grids apart from the player.
  • Changed "Amenities" icons placeholders; now they all have a nice image.
  • Changed Odd Giant intro scene to a new Sad Socket intro scene.
  • Changed some enemy gladiator archetypes for balancing.
  • Changed dog quest; it now has a 5% chance of happening every day if you lost the battle or canceled it.
  • Changed quest placeholders; now they all have a nice image.
  • Changed Steamworks API to have the possibility of having more Steam features in the future (Leaderboards and so on).
  • Changed save-game directory.
  • Changed the number of skills/passives of enemy gladiators (increased).
  • Changed Blood Lust passive to heal 10% of your damage instead of 20%.
  • Fixed error while changing item slots in inventory without having gladiators.
  • Fixed particles spawning at the wrong position.
  • Fixed some rare cases where you had a 100% chance of winning and still lost the auto-battle.
  • Fixed Challenger Quest prize (it was giving 666 coins).
  • Fixed SFX with random pitches causing other playing SFX to be pitched as well.
  • Fixed a bug on the fight's victory panel coin counter that was displaying the wrong prize.
  • Fixed fight's victory panel displaying 0 on Challenger Quest/Alpha Arena Quest.
  • Fixed some misspelled words in texts.
  • Fixed Herakles walk SFX not playing properly.
  • Fixed music SFX starting before clicking on the fight button on the boss scene.
  • Fixed scrolling texts (damages, skill uses, and so on) sizes.
  • Fixed a bug in the Caravan Quest.
  • Fixed battle's scrolling texts/sprites being overlapped.
  • Fixed overlapping texts when renaming a gladiator.
  • Fixed some item spritesheets jumping/missing frames.
  • Fixed Fahkir death animation transitioning to itself depending on how you killed him.
  • Fixed Spiculus unlocked passives; it had a bug where you couldn't select a few passives to buy.
  • Fixed Contracts list not being populated properly.
  • Fixed an error when your gladiator was training and had major injuries.
  • Fixed Side Bash skill; it was not invoking an event and preventing the player from breaking the Minotaur charge with it.
  • Fixed poison effect duration on enemies.
  • Fixed Trial of Balance skill; it was not working properly at all.
  • Fixed Heavy Sabre spritesheet; it had some bad frames.
  • Fixed Herakles death animation; now it won't fall towards the player.
  • Updated the game engine/third-party packages.
Windows Gods of Sand Content Depot 1431231
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