Main Game:
New arcade game: Bumping Bar
- Showing off a minor preview of the new DLC Pack!
- Unlockable cosmetics, furs & an achievement!
Customization & Table Select Screens
- The Screen will now automatically scroll to the current selection.
- Added Scrollbars as well
- Fixed a bug where some icons were not select-able.
Bug Fixes/Misc:
- Lowered Target scores on Graceful Games & Great Gamble in Story Mode
- Improved Snow Pile Rollover VFX on Christmas Carnage
Table Creator:
Night Club Content
- Songs: Party Plaza & Club Crazy
- Wide Table: Flipper setup
- New Sounds: Holes, Bumpers, Slingshots, Rollovers, Trials, Raceways
Bug Fixes/Misc:
- Fixed colliders on various race-pipes
Changed files in this update