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Doors & Loot update for 22 September 2023

The Inventory

Share · View all patches · Build 12258810 · Last edited 22 September 2023 – 16:46:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Welcome to the first content patch for Doors & Loot with all the September content.

Bug fixes:

Developer's note: Some are not bugs per se, but they were annoying things or things that needed to be adjusted.
  • Spelling and texts have been checked.
  • The default initial volume has been set to 50%.
  • Fixed an issue where unequipping an item would not update its stats.
  • Fixed an issue where equipping armor would not update its stats.
  • Diary pages are now read when picked up and not just from the inventory in the rest area.
  • Explanatory messages have been added for certain mechanics warning the player (e.g.: You cannot learn a talent, you have no inventory space, etc.)
  • The selling price of items in the inventory has been added, to make it easier to determine the value of each one without having to specifically go to the store.
  • Added a confirmation window when creating a New Game if data already exists.
  • Performance improvements.

Rest area:

  • The size of the rest area has been modified so that everything is closer at hand.
  • The inventory area has been modified, the chest has been removed and replaced with a bookcase. Now this area is to read the newspaper pages that are found.
  • Now Drall, the blacksmith, lets you recover the last 3 sold items, in case you accidentally hit one of them.


  • A new dungeon has been added to the list to appear in the rotation.


  • Now the inventory is initially 30 spaces (previously 20), expandable by talent up to 60.
  • New talent "A huge backpack!" Two levels, each level provides 15 more spaces of space.
  • Now if you cannot carry an object, a message appears warning you of this. You will not be able to unequip items if you do not have space in your inventory, nor will you be able to take the chest from the dungeon if you do not make room for it.
  • 2-handed weapons are now marked with an icon in the lower left corner, to make it quicker and easier to locate them.
  • Right mouse click now allows you to equip or unequip items. Left clicking opens the options menu on said object.
  • Favorite objects: You can mark/unmark as many objects as favorites as you want. These will appear first in the inventory to have them closer at hand. You will not be able to sell or release them while they are favorites.
  • Drop objects: You can now drop objects that you do not want to carry with you.

And that's basically it. We have taken the opportunity to touch up some things that, at the moment, you cannot see but they are there, paving the way for the next patches.

Thanks and good luck climbing the tower!

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