Hey everyone,
Today we'll be updating the game and adding 'Festivals' and controller support (beta)!
You will also find some bug fixes as well. Patch notes below:
- Added Tomato War
- Added Summer Festival
- Added Chicken Race
Tomato War
A festival that starts in the town square on the 14th of Spring.
During this event, you and the other three competitors will throw tomatoes at each other, earning points for hits and losing points for getting hit. The one with the highest score when the time is over wins. Don't worry, all the tomatoes used weren't apt for consumption anyway.
Swimming Festival
A festival that starts on the beach on the 6th of Summer.
The objective is to be the best swimmer there is. Here, you'll compete against four others to swim to the end of the course and back to the beginning. Do not be too hasty; otherwise, you won't get far.
Chicken Race
A festival that starts in the town square on the 23rd of Autumn.
Here, you'll set up your favorite egg-layer against the top chicken in town and hope for the best. Do not be too disappointed if your chicken doesn't win, they are chickens, after all.
Some of the other fixes and features:
- Added controller support (beta).
- Now the game has a Main Theme.
- Added more tasks.
- Vastly improved destruction and interaction with the environment.
- Added Saci.
- You can now buy kitchen appliances at Serge's Store.
- You can quickly switch between items on your hotbar by using the numbers.
- You can now switch between the three hotbars by pressing Tab.
- Improved the Winter Season with new art.
- Improved controls.
- Remade tool icons for better visibility.
- Improved user interface for menus.
- Improved mines.
- Added sound effects for placing furniture.
- Added more items to Viktor's Blacksmith Shop.
- Added Meteorologist.
- Button controls now are displayed on the UI.
- Added sign messages.
- More objects can be interacted with.
- A mysterious character shows up more often during the night.
- Polished Gabriel's dance.
- Visual & audio confirmation after saving.
- Tools menu overlay/highlight fixed.
- Added animation for earning/paying money.
- Added a football.
- Fixed objects not spawning in the farm.
- Fixed rocks with snow inside the mines.
- Fixed tools disappearing from the hotbar.
- Changed distance of the interaction outline.
- Removed Farm Lake.
- Fixed door passage being too tight to go through.
- Fixed interaction with bikes next to Clinic.
- Fixed characters walking on place after you talk to them.
- Fixed interaction with pet not working properly.
- Fixed red can floating over the character.
- Fixed balloon pop up during fishing and being displayed below your pet.
- Fixed Blacksmith shop UI not displaying anything.
- Fixed Blacksmith entrance being too difficult to interact with.
- Fixed not being able to purchase animal food.
- Fixed not being able to read the INN sign.
- Fixed not being able to collect oranges at the Forest.
- Fixed overflowing text on tutorials.
- Fixed loading animation duplication and showing up after loading is done.
- Fixed lots of collisions.
- Fixed not being able to pick berries.
- Fixed mushroom appearing below the character when held.
- Fixed items still being displayed in the inventory even after selling.
- Fixed Blacksmith shop showing the items of the previously interacted shop.
- Fixed choices window not resizing properly.
- Fixed objects spawning on top of each other.
- Text input fixed, now caps and spaces work properly.
- Tools menu overlay/highlight fixed.
- Fixed festival names.
Thanks as always for supporting the game as always.
Please do let us know if any problems come up after the patch.
Jeroen, Rafael, Robert & Kazz
Changed files in this update