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Heroes of Book & Paper update for 22 September 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 12257566 · Last edited 22 September 2023 – 15:09:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

A couple of days ago I received good suggestions and feedback from a HB&P player: DazaKiwi.

Thanks to his ideas, the game has received a lot of improvements. One of them is to be able to create a new character in the middle of a game, keeping the progress of the adventures and the endings achieved.

Thank you very much for your suggestions, DazaKiwi.

Here is the complete changelog v1.25:


  • The 'New Game' button, in the options page, now also allows the possibility to create a new level 1 character without initial items, but keeping the progress of the quests obtained. (Credit DazaKiwi)
  • The 'New Game' button now better explains and warns about the consequences of starting a new game or creating a new character from the options page. (Credit DazaKiwi)
  • The Character Hit Points indicator on the main page now also indicates the character's maximum Hit Points. (Credit DazaKiwi)
  • When hovering the mouse over the equipped armor from the inventory page, the name of the armor and its value are now displayed (although this value was already displayed next to the armor, it is now also displayed on the left side of the page as well as the weapons).
  • Some minor additional improvements.


  • Added two new images of devastated steppe to the game.
  • New phrases for the Prophet of Doom in the story 'The Barbarian'.
  • An image of 'vapors' has been added to the corridor of the Serpent Tower in the story 'The Barbarian'.


  • The location and distribution, as well as the format of the Hit Points, Gold, and Experience points indicators in the game panel have been slightly modified to accommodate and display in a more comfortable way the new implementation of the character's Maximum Hit Points.
  • Devastated steppe locations are now generated when the player travels through Kali's territories in the 'Song of Kings & Wars' storyline. (Because the game could generate green and fertile landscapes in that adventure, in that particular land, that have little to do with Turania).
  • A few texts have been modified.


  • Fixed a bug where when loading several different games, when entering the inventory some objects could indicate that they caused a certain amount of damage. By hovering the mouse over that particular object, it is automatically corrected.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player to press the main menu option buttons before they appear when starting a new game (Credit DazaKiwi).
  • The formatting of some texts has been revised.
  • A spelling error has been corrected on page 150 'The military camp' (Song of kings & wars' story).

  • Thank you for reading -
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