Hello players!
In the last two months we have continued to fix bugs and optimize the game. Additionally, Russian and German have now been added to the language selection, thanks to our community! If anyone is interested in adding more languages, feel free to contact us, we would love to make the game available to more people.
A detailed list of all the bugs we fixed and new features can be found below:
- New Infoboxes that tell you when you have unlocked a new card/game mode/lore.
- Language support. We added German in house and have a russian community translation. If you are interested in creating a community translation for your language feel free to contact us.
- Increased the default highscores at the start, because many thought you have achieved everythin after having a 2k score.
- Fixed some UI issues on different screen resolution. We still mainly support 16:9, 16:10.
- Basic Gamepad support for the play mode itself. Might still be a bit chanky on SteamDeck.
- Fixed a bug in which you could access the game mode selction before you unlocked it.
- Fixed a bug where using the dream depth modifier with a modified dream depth reduced the overall dreamdepth.
Thanks for your support and for playing the game! We always appreciate feedback and reviews!
Your Krauts
Changed files in this update