New Stuff
Here are the new stuff that will be added to the game
New Server Mode - Knockout
Its a lot more competitive mode than the default one!
In this mode you just play regularly like you did before, but only the top list players will survive for the future rounds, you cant join mid match you have to wait until there is the last one standing then the server will restart the mode so you can keep playing.
New Demo System
This feature exists to record your match for content creators or who just want to check their gameplay, you can record your entire match then use the demo system to replay it in first person or third person more details on our documentation
Demo Camera For Recording Cinematic
- First Person Spectate Support
- Camera movement lerping support
- Depth of field Support
New Chat UI
- Selectable
- more visible
New Voichat UI
- Improved voice chat quality
- You can now see who is talking ingame
- Voice chat also works on voting scene
Other Changes
- Add aim sensitivity multiplier setting
- Smoother when loading demo (The loading wont be running on the main thread)
- Implement third person weapon reloading animation
- No more rotating when crouching while looking down
- Smoother loading screen
- Fix vote timer when there arent enough players in the server
Changed files in this update