Hi everyone,
We're pleased to release a new update to Cue Club 2, featuring more additions, improvements and fixes to various aspects of the game. Thank you for sharing the ideas and feedback.
Added third aim line to show direction of cue ball after impact with the object ball. There are 3 length settings, or it can be turned off. See 'Options > Aiming > 2D View / 3D View > Tertiary Line (Length)'. Default setting is 'Medium'. Can also be set for multiplayer matches, see 'Line 3' parameter in the MP lobby on page 2 of the options box.
Added further stability improvements to online multiplayer games to help maintain good connectivity during matches.
For improved gameplay flow, instant replays have been disabled during online multiplayer games against other human players. Replay saves are still enabled.
Graphics card info is now accessible from the main menu, showing model name and driver number for the adapter in use. See 'Options > Display > Display Adapter'.
Fixed issue in Euro 8 ball pool where ball-in-hand was given as a toggle option to incoming player if offending player scratched on the break shot. Ball-in-hand is now automatically awarded.
Fixed issue where pressing CRTL + ALT + DEL then clicking the Windows cancel button could cause a crash, if running the game in 'Fullscreen Windowed' mode.
Fixed issue where Windows mouse cursor could sometimes disappear when tabbing out of the game.
Fixed issue where cue would occasionally jump erratically and not settle when playing a shot with high cue elevation.
Fixed issue where cue would sometimes clip into the cushion at certain positions on the table.
Fixed issue where buttons to choose difficultly setting where displayed after the end of a tournament, following a loss or win. Buttons are now not shown here.
2D table zoom feature is no longer active when referee is respotting balls.
Asterisk key added to virtual keyboard.
Small visual improvements to snooker break and speed pool time statistics screens.
Other minor fixes and enhancements.
Changed files in this update