Moin Moin
Something has changed in the experimental branch.
First of all, a small thing:
The water that the station inhabitants consume is now mixed directly into the food. This means that the food processor needs much more water and also works twice as long, but the inhabitants now only consume food and oxygen.
The more extensive change is the way other languages can be added to the game. When the game is started, a CSV file is created (in the folder "local path to the game"\Heliopolis Six\Heliopolis Six_Data\GameData\Languages) that contains all languages. This file can then be edited (change or add languages), Heliopolis Six should recognise this and will try to apply the changes. Once the CSV file has been created, it is always used and no new one is created.
So far, the file contains English, German and French. The French translation is probably very bad, as we only have a very rudimentary knowledge of French.
We hope for your help with the translations. If you feel like it, you can send us your edited CSV by mail or via Discord.
Next we will work on a new view that will visualise the flow of resources.
See you then.
Changed depots in experimental branch