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Sigil of the Magi update for 28 September 2023

Sigil of the Magi 1.0 - OUT NOW!

Share · View all patches · Build 12253134 · Last edited 28 September 2023 – 07:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone!

We're happy to announce Sigil of the Magi has moved from Early access to full release!

Gear up for a grand, tactical adventure and traverse through previously unexplored maps, mix and match teams of Champions with unique abilities, build decks with new, powerful cards, and take down even deadlier enemies and more fearsome bosses in the 1.0 version.

Early access players will not need to purchase the game again. It will update in your library – you don’t need to do anything else!

Thank you for all your support during Early Access. Your feedback has made Sigil of the Magi the game it is today. Enjoy the game and let us know what you think in our Discord!


V.1.0.0 patch notes



  • Enemies that are killed by SPELLBOUND damage can sometimes cause a crash when status effects are being applied but there's no longer any target (because they are dead). This has been fixed.

  • If an enemy with FLYING passive ability (Flaming Skull for instance) should die on a tile that's already occupied by something else, it will shift to an adjacent unoccupied tile instead.

  • Cards left in hand at the end of turn due to certain ongoing effects (like the Propitious Pouch relic) will retain their mana cost on the following turn even if their mana reduction/addition was meant to only last for a turn. This has now been fixed.


  • Fixed some grammar issues.


  • Your total number of winning runs is now displayed at the faction selection screen.
  • Loading history…
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