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Castle: Daybreak update for 22 September 2023

Patch 9.21.23

Share · View all patches · Build 12251892 · Last edited 22 September 2023 – 01:32:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Achievements Patch

Here's a small patch to address achievements not working.
All achievements should now be working as intended!

Small Changes

  • Small landscape fixes.
  • Changed out some boulders to have some more consistency with the level design.
  • A new achievement was added. Now, there are two distinct achievements that will unlock the Exalted class.
    (If you already have a level 50+ class, load in, and you should unlock the new achievement immediately; granting you access to the Exalted class)
Future Plans

While updates have mostly slowed down, there are a few plans to further optimize the game's code. Also, there are a few more things I would love to add to the game. Including a few new dungeons and some re-design of an old one. New gameplay changes to continually propel Castle Daybreak forward. This could range from, enemy abilities being improved to be more challenging and fun. Ability updates for some abilities that are simply lacking. And, world events to add more life and lore to the world.

~Thank you

Windows 64-bitEnglish Castle: Daybreak Content Depot 1714101
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