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HumanitZ update for 22 September 2023

Patch #1 Dev Build 0.901

Share · View all patches · Build 12251495 · Last edited 22 September 2023 – 02:09:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Our first post-release patch is here, and we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you. Your dedication and valuable feedback have spurred us to work tirelessly on enhancing your post-apocalyptic experience.

Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of what this patch brings.

Gameplay Enhancements
  • Map Improvements: We’ve added more resources, including additional bushes, stones and interactive fire barrels to keep you warm during the unforgiving winter season.
  • Additional World Creation Options: Customize your survival adventure with more options! Adjust zeek multipliers, explore perma-death settings (Individual - If MP you must keep the host alive, All - one dies we all die), and choose to remove infection on death.
  • Vitals Settings: Tailor your gameplay with vital settings; offering slower, normal, and faster rates of hunger, thirst, and infection drain.
User Interface & Experience
  • Gamepad-Friendly: Enjoy a smoother gaming experience with improved gamepad UI and tooltips.
  • Human AI Mechanics: Our survivors are getting smarter! We've added new human AI mechanics for a more dynamic world.
  • Inventory Improvements: Managing your gear just got easier. We’ve made it easier to change location when you have multiple pistols and tools. We’ve also made improvements to quick slots. (Now easier to change when adding binoculars or compass etc).
  • Tooltip Enhancements: Get a clearer understanding of debuff icons with tooltips on mouseovers.
  • Rotation Options: Discover a new "Auto" rotate option for player rotation in gameplay settings. Adjust Rotation Sensitivity to find your sweet spot.
  • New Map Markers: Navigate your world more efficiently with fresh map marker icons.
Survival Challenges:
  • Prolonged Water Purification: It now takes longer to clean water at a cooking location.
  • Fire Fix: Fires will now go out properly, preventing interactions after they're extinguished.
Bug Fixes & Gameplay Tweaks:
  • Quality of Life: Enjoy an array of quality-of-life improvements. We’ve improved loot, movement and interaction with Trader. We’ve also improved the loot of the Survivor Car.
  • Helmet Surprises: Armored zeeks now have a chance of losing their helmets, creating headshot opportunities.
  • Build Actor Insights: Keep track of build actor health when you're near them.
  • Stealthy Steps: We've slightly reduced player footstep sound to attract fewer zeeks.
  • Roaming Horde Nerf: The Roaming Horde has been adjusted to introduce special zeek types more slowly to the horde.
  • Extra Storage: We've added an extra row of 5 slots to crafted storage containers.
  • UI Fixes: Bid farewell to issues like hypothermia UI being stuck on screen after respawn.
  • Zeek Gridlock: Zeeks are back to navigating with the grace of undead creatures. Dead zeeks will no longer prevent other zeeks from navigating properly.
  • Weather Woes: We've addressed weather-related bugs, including the infamous spring blizzard issue. Snow may show on loaded save but will clear after time in game.
  • Container Convenience: Swap items effortlessly using the middle mouse button within containers.
  • Inventory Bug Fixes Including: Say goodbye to problems like the disappearing bike helmet when inventory is full, and players getting stuck in the backpack animation.
  • Lock-Picking Freedom: Fixed getting stuck in the lock picking animation. You can also now exit the lock picking system by hitting ESC.
  • Blueprint Fixes: You can now vault through blueprints like, unfinished window barricades.
  • Zeek Horde Tweaks: Zeek hordes have undergone improvements and fixes.

Last but not least we have a potential fix for interaction issues on respawn.

Survivors, while we're still diligently crafting our roadmap to 1.0, this patch is our way of quickly responding to your invaluable feedback. The apocalypse continues, and your resilience inspires us. Continue to share your thoughts on our Discord and Steam reviews.

Keep surviving,
HumanitZ Team🧟🔥💥

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