- Removed equipment requirements for One-Handed Training and Two-Handed Training
- [One-Handed Training] - level 2 now bestows +2 ATK and +5 Critical Chance
- [Two-Handed Training] - level 2 now bestows +2 ATK and +5% Critical DMG
- Localization text now reflects these changes
- [Quicken] - level 2 now bestows +1 MOV and +1 SPD instead of +2 MOV to better balance Cav's new mobility
[Skill Height Tolerance Changes]
- Reduced height tolerance for certain Ranger, Monk, Cavalier, and Sorcerer Skills so they no longer can be used with vast height differences between attacker and defender
- Skills affected: Sorcerer [Withering Touch, Lightning Touch, Frost Touch, Flame Touch], Monk [Martyr, Innumerable Blows, Blinding Spin], Cavalier [Sword Bash, Shield Triage, Shield Bash, Rend Armor, Quick Attack, Body Rush, Low Sweep, Adrenaline Strike], Ranger [Crossbow Attack, Bow Attack]
[Unit HP Buff]
- All units have received a ~15-25% HP increase depending on level, with additional HP increases for certain boss units and monster units.
- [End Times] - Reduced End Times damage from 100% to 80% to account for it hitting all units on the battlefield regardless of Shaman position (but still can only be used once per battle and has high SP cost)
- Added language support for Simplified Chinese.
- Added support for Non-Pixel Fonts (Latin script languages only) - toggleable through accessibility settings in Options.
- Added ability to see skill descriptions from Core Class skills after advancing class in the Skill: Equip submenu.
- “Escape to Tile” missions and contracts now are considered victories when killing all enemies on the map.
- The Japanese description of the Hunter’s Fire Trap should now list an accurate range.
- The English description of Rank 3 Ice Shard now correctly reads 115% instead of 15%.
- Fixed issue in which the UI localization for Russian was incorrect on the Overworld screen.
- Added additional check for “Crowning a New Ruler” achievement while loading the Title Screen.
- Polished and improved the text layout of UI elements all across the game.
- Added animation polish to most standard UI boxes.
- Streamlined menu flow in the Troop Manager > Contracts screen.
- The ability to see HP and SP above the heads of all units on the battlefield has been added. Hold down “Switch: Right” (on gamepad, right trigger) during most battle phases to access it.
- The turn order overlay (accessed via “Help,” on gamepad the Select button) can now be triggered from more battle phases.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed screen tearing issues for high refresh rate monitors.
- Units dying from status effects like Burning and Noxious now correctly flinch before dying.
- Fixed bug in which the unit information panel would still remain going into the victory/defeat screen.
- An issue with the turn order overlay interacting unexpectedly with the Right Mouse button has been fixed.
- Fixed issue in which the UI would not correctly refresh the battle objectives and Action Menu after changing a language mid-battle.
- Removed the chance of turning oneself Undead as an Inquisitor with Shield Triage.
- “Target Unit” skill targeting type no longer mistakenly targets tiles under certain conditions.
- Fixed rare instance of Delayed Area-of-Effect skills failing to inflict the full zone of damage when the main target dies prematurely.
- Fixed bug in which cutscenes could not progress when skipping through them too quickly.
Changed files in this update