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Travellers Rest update for 21 September 2023

Drinks & Staff Update - v0.6.1

Share · View all patches · Build 12248672 · Last edited 21 September 2023 – 17:06:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, innkeepers!

The new Travellers Rest update is now available! With this update we've changed some of the tavern's mechanics, added a new employee system, added seasonal visual changes, and a few other things.

New system for serving drinks

Customers can now order drinks from their table. To serve them, the player and employees now have a tray which can carry up to 5 drinks. And now, in addition to the taps at the bar, beverages can also be stored in serving barrels that can be placed against the wall behind the bar.

New employee system

We've changed the employee system. Now there's a list of candidates that gets refreshed on Mondays and Thursdays. Each candidate will have a different set of skills, so each one is different from the others. Also, employees can now level up and improve their skills.

New employee: the Bouncer

With the new system, the watchman is added. He will deal with rowdy customers, and eject them from the premises if necessary. Bouncers also make sure other employees don't take longer breaks than they should.


All four seasons have been added to the game. Watch how everything changes depending on which season you are in! Although these are only visual changes for now, we'll soon implement new mechanics around this system and the weather.

New guest room system

In this update, some modifications have been made to the the guest room system. Guests can now spend more than one night at your inn. Also, when the tavern is open, they'll order food and drinks from their rooms. We've also created a new reception desk where guests can check-in without taking up space at the bar. The housekeeper will now be able to assign rooms to guests, and serve room service orders.

New beverage aging system

Beverages can now be aged in the new aging barrels. Unlike in the previous system, beverages can have 5 different levels of aging, and level up the longer they are stored in these new barrels.

Other News

Tokyo Game Show

Travellers Rest will be at Tokyo Game Show from the 21st to the 24th of September!

We invite you come visit our stand in Hall 9, 09-E69, at the Makuhari Messe International Exhibition.

Into the Necrovale

A good friend of ours, Casey Clyde, will soon release Into the Necrovale, a pixel art Action RPG made with a lot of dedication and love.

We'd really appreciate if you could support the project by adding it to your wishlist. Thank you very much!

Change log
  • We have added seasonal changes. At the moment, they are only visual.
  • Now, in addition to the bar taps, you can have 4 serving kegs behind the bar.
  • Now, only carbonated drinks can stored in the bar taps.
  • Now, the player has a tra which can carry up to 5 drinks.
  • Customers can now order drinks from their tables.
  • Serving barrels can now be refilled with water using a water bucket.
  • Now, when there is no other beverage available, customers will order water.
  • We've added colors to the taps and serving barrels to easily identify the beverages customers ordered.
  • Guests can now stay more than one night in the rooms.
  • Guests will now leave the rooms in the morning and return after a few hours so that their room can be cleaned.
  • Cleaning rooms during a guest's stay gives extra reputation.
  • Now, it isn't possible to assign a guest a dirty room.
  • Guests now have criteria for size and comfort. If their conditions aren't met, they'll pay less per night.
  • While the tavern is open, guests staying in rooms can order food or drinks.
  • There are now different employee candidates available for hire, the list is updated on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • Now each employee has different skills, which can be leveled up as they work.
  • All employees have a negative trait.
  • Now, you can decide which tasks each employee shall perform.
  • Now, each employee's salary depends on their skill level and the selected tasks they perform.
  • Now, employees occasionally leave the tavern to take a break.
  • Now, the housekeeper also assigns rooms to guests automatically, serves room service orders, replaces burned out candles, and lights the fireplace.
  • A new employee type has been added: the bouncer.
  • The bouncer will now deal with rowdy customers, kicking them out if necessary, and make sure other employees don't take overlong breaks.
  • The aging system has been modified.
  • Now beverages have 5 aging levels: unaged, normal, young, reserve and grand reserve.
  • Now beers must be aged to be served.
  • New aging barrels have been created.
  • Stands have been added for the aging kegs. Stacking them on racks takes up less space.
  • An encyclopedia has been added where all the game mechanics and controls are explained. The encyclopedia can be accessed from the pause menu.
  • Tavern Vision mode no longer exists. Now, spots on the floor are always highlighted with an arrow.
  • Contrast of stains on tables has been increased to make them more visible.
  • Customers now leave dirty dishes on the table if the table is sufficiently dirty.
  • Now, the auto run function is selected from the options menu and activated with the run button itself (Shift Left), the old auto mode button (Control Left) no longer works.
  • We've added a new language: Romanian.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused stuttering in the camera movement when the player moves.
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