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Stories One update for 22 September 2023

Patch Note 0.8.4

Share · View all patches · Build 12248135 · Last edited 22 September 2023 – 11:09:36 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Players,

Another update has rolled out, and we believe it's one that will truly enhance your gaming experience! From improved visuals to game mechanics tweaks, we’ve been hard at work making Stories One even better. As always, your feedback drives these changes, and we can't thank you enough for being such a pivotal part of our community.

New Features

End-of-Session Player Stats: Ever curious about how everyone performed in a session? You can now view the results and contributions of all players at the end of each game, giving you insights and potential bragging rights!

Enhanced Equipment Customization: Adapt to the flow of battle! You now have the flexibility to change your equipment and skills during neutralized times.

New Lobby Experience: We’ve revamped the lobby to provide a more intuitive and polished experience as you prepare for your next session.

Game Enhancements

Improved Ping Marker: Pinging has been enhanced. Simply click on the mouse wheel to place your marker.

Deepened Defense with Player Bots: The AI for our player bots has been given a significant boost, especially in their defensive behavior. Expect smarter resistance from them!

City Environment Overhaul: Take a moment to enjoy the scenery. We’ve improved the city environment and its props for a more immersive urban atmosphere.

Balancing and Adjustments

Card and Damage Tuning: Keeping gameplay fair and thrilling is our priority. We’ve re-balanced various cards and adjusted damage outputs to ensure competitive fun.

Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements

We've squashed some bugs and made various minor improvements to enhance your gaming experience. Your passion and feedback for Stories One are invaluable to us. We're eager to hear your thoughts on these new changes and look forward to the many games ahead!

The Team

Windows 64-bit Depot 2494372
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