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绝世好武功 The Matchless Kungfu update for 28 September 2023

20230929 Patch and Update Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 12248116 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:56:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  1. Optimize the interface for build buildings and add a batch of new building templates
  2. Optimized some character models to improve game performance and make the frame rate more stable
  3. Optimize the logic of determining the outcome of the competition between NPCs in the Kungfu Contest
  4. Optimized some text descriptions
  5. Optimized for low image quality to improve rendering efficiency
  6. Adjust the ambient light brightness at night
  7. Optimize the logic of family relationship generation
  8. Optimize some adventure events
  9. Optimized the random size value of NPC
  10. Optimize some model materials
  11. Optimize some game effects to improve game performance and make the frame rate more stable
  12. Optimize the LOD of the game model to improve game performance and make the frame rate more stable
  13. Optimized the scene of large land plots to improve game performance and make the frame rate more stable
  14. Optimize the favorability value required for learning skills
  15. Adjusted the attitude value generated when teaching skills, inner kungfy, and abilities to NPCs
  16. Increased the output of animal skins
  17. Optimized the texture of the building module
  18. Repair interaction has been added to the Party Flag
  19. Add greeting, team formation, and command functions (you can now use shortcut keys or shortcut buttons on the main interface to proactively greet the surrounding NPCs and ask them to look at you. When your favorability is up to standard, you can form a team and order them perform some action)
  20. Add some new adventure events
  21. Add firecracker props, lighting firecrackers can set off fireworks
  22. Add festival system. During the festival, merchant ships will change their models and sell firecracker props
  23. Add baby-making system. When conditions are met, characters of the opposite sex can be invited to share the same bed and give birth to offspring. The offspring can inherit some attributes, abilities and destiny of their parents, and the offspring can grow into real NPCs.
  24. Some bed facilities add co-sleeping interaction, and you can sleep on the same bed with your characters who follow you, team characters, and pets
  25. Add the ability to interact with the City Guardian to pray for offspring
  26. Add some game sound effects
  27. After the player is born and chooses his parents, he can assign attributes once
  28. Fix the problem that the disability buffs may still be retained after traveling through the world
  29. Fixed the issue where NPC would overlap with existing buildings when constructing buildings
  30. Fixed some problems that may affect gameplay when placing decorations in buildings
  31. Fixed the problem that if the station is placed on the edge of the land, the teleportation function may not work properly
  32. Fixed the issue where a female monk would appear if the player was born as a female and the father was from the Shaolin sect
  33. Fixed the problem of incorrect LOD when initializing the plot scene
  34. Fixed the problem that the game will report an error after the Toxin Worm Caster's head is taken
  35. Fixed the problem that the treasure map may have blank content, and the comparison map of the treasure map may have blank content
  36. Fixed the problem that some ability training will still be triggered when dying
  37. Fixed the issue where blank options may appear in dialogue options when an event is triggered
  38. Fixed the issue where the NPC's head expression icon may not appear correctly
  39. Fixed the problem that when the goodwill between characters is reduced to a certain level, the grudge relationship is not correctly generated
    13.Fixed the problem that the effect of karma [Ill Fate] did not work correctly
  40. Fixed the issue where the corresponding attitudes may not be generated correctly when creating a relationship between characters
    15.Fixed the problem that the skill [Toxin-casting Spell] may not be effective
Windows 64-bit Depot 1696441
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