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The Leviathan's Fantasy update for 21 September 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 12245947 · Last edited 21 September 2023 – 12:13:33 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  1. Part of the items needed for collection tasks have been reduced.
  2. Some crafting task conditions have been modified, affecting the quantity of items needed.
  3. Rewards for certain tasks have been increased.
  4. A bug where listed goods prices did not receive the bonus has been corrected.
  5. Fixed the issue of random properties appearing when delivering equipment.
  6. Models for some summoned entities have been replaced.
  7. Fixed a bug which didn't allow rebirth on the Xuanwu map.
  8. Fixed bugs regarding inaccurate skill descriptions.
  9. Fixed a bug where infinite effects would trigger after the Bloodline Awakening used area skills.
  10. Increased the success rate of bloodline fusion items.
  11. Fixed a display error with the Charge skill.
  12. Fixed a bug where acquired items did not increase quantities during tasks.
  13. Fixed a bug where the model of an adventure building disappeared upon loading.
  14. Fixed a bug where the added price of listed items didn't change.

Moreover, If you have any other questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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