🏟️ Union Rep Teams — The first inter-union competitions are here! Including player nominations, lineup and game-plan voting, seasonal leagues with promotion and relegation, union stadiums, and club rewards which can be earned by up to 3 of the union's rep teams.
Wiki: https://blackout-games.fandom.com/wiki/Rep_Teams
🌏 National Unions / International Leagues — A simplified version of club unions, but on a larger scale. All clubs in the game will be part of a National Union. A 4-season term of 3 qualifier league seasons culminating in a Blackout Rugby World Cup every 4 seasons.
Wiki: https://blackout-games.fandom.com/wiki/National_Unions
🏆 Blackout Rugby World Cup — All nations will start on 50.00 ranking points. There are 36 nations, but only the top 32 will take part in the world cup.
Wiki: https://blackout-games.fandom.com/wiki/National_Unions#Blackout_Rugby_World_Cup
🏉 2D Match View — We're replacing the original jersey view with a 2D top-down view to give a better overview of how your tactics are playing out with a birdseye view of the whole field. The 3D experimental view remains, though while there are some improvements, it is still very much a work in progress.
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