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Gravity update for 21 September 2023

Update 2.6 - World of Color

Share · View all patches · Build 12241391 · Last edited 21 September 2023 – 00:46:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

World of Color

This update primarily focuses on the pack editor, with some miscellaneous fixes and improvements elsewhere too.

Major Enhancements

  • Pick ANY color for your walls now, with a color picker tool
  • The fill tool now works instantly
  • Added an option to disable colored walls in the settings. Turning this on will cause all walls to appear light gray.
  • All your packs in the editor menu will sort by most recently edited, so you don't have to scroll to the bottom anymore
  • Loading and resetting packs is now 15-20 times faster. This is mostly noticeable on packs with lots of spikes, keys, goals, and portals.

Minor Enhancements

  • Link lines in the editor now have transparency so it's easier to see when they overlap each other
  • If you try to place two links on the same two endpoints, it will ignore one
  • Links that aren't valid will be removed when saving the level
  • Improvements to the UI in the pack overview editor
  • Making a new pack will jump straight into the editor

Bug Fixes

  • Changing tools while creating a link will clear the link in progress instead of creating a bad link
  • Quickly unpausing and pausing will no longer put you in a weird half-paused state
  • Tooltips should no longer get stuck on the screen
  • Paging left or right too quickly in the search area will no longer let you page past the last page or down to page zero
  • The page left button in the search area will no longer flash and then disappear when opening the community tab for the first time
  • Pressing escape from the win screen will now take you back to the pack on the play menu instead of going back to the main menu

System Upgrades

These are upgrades that make my life easier but users won't recognize them.

  • New pack file format: after launching the game for the first time, your local packs will all be converted to the new format. It uses a single JSON file for the entire pack rather than a folder with separate files for each level. Changing the file format was necessary for adding color palettes, so I went all out on the file format upgrade while I had the opportunity.
  • Updated the level editor scenes to use my scene manager system for passing data around when switching screens
  • Modernized a large percentage of my codebase to centralize major pieces of functionality and to make it easier to develop new features
  • News banner and message are only loaded once when you launch the game instead of every time you go back to the main menu
Windows Gravity Content Depot 1333091
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