As you may or may not have noticed, I have been holed up for the past few months working on the latest patch and the results... they have turned the whole game upside down.
I come to you with The Sunny Life in First Person Perspective!
First Person Perspective
The game has gained a new immersion-boosting perspective! All in-game mechanics have been adapted to the new gameview. Enjoy your favourite activities such as cooking, fishing or planting from new point of view.
New map
The map has been changed to a completely new location - setting up our town on a beautiful island surrounded by the sea.
You can start your game from scratch or use your saved game progress. If you choose the latter, please note that all buildable items (from your house and shop) can be found behind your house and set up again.
Nevertheless, I invite you to start the adventure all over again!
Thank you for reading and have fun!
Changed files in this update