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Tap Ninja update for 20 September 2023

Upcoming v5.0.0 update news & Beta test

Share · View all patches · Build 12239629 · Last edited 20 September 2023 – 21:09:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

If everything goes correctly then the update will be released on 27th September, this year.

v5.0.0 is landing in the public beta test!

Anyone that is playing on a Steam client can join. Read the instructions on how to join over here -

Your main games save file will not be affected while playing the beta, and the beta save file will be deleted once the beta ends.

More idle - more fun
With the new update the game will receive a full rebalance to be more idle-friendly – Away income will receive a massive boost and will now be comparable to active play in the later game, Daily Quest rewards and Challenge rewards will receive a huge boost as well.
The Elixir will be changed as well – receiving it passively from Gold is no longer a thing, now its value is tied to the Coins value and is mainly obtained from defeating Enemies.

Rebalanced all the way
Every upgrade in the game has been rebalanced in a way. The Ascension tree skills as well as the Medal Upgrades have been reorganized and moved around with numerous Medal upgrade ranks being added (do not worry, everyone will get a free reset!). So please take your time to get used to the new changes.
Most of the upgrades are now multiplicative instead of additive, meaning that what you see is what you get regarding the bonus.

Walking Zoo
Another big addition is the ability to select two additional Pets at a time! Unlocking either slot requires treating your Pets with love and raising their Bond levels to a certain level.

Every single Pet now matters – each pet’s passive boost is now active at all times, but only the selected active Pets will grant their full potential. Remember that the passive boost is stronger the higher the Pets Bond and Star level is. The maximum Bond level has also been raised from 12 to 15, so your favourite Pets can become even stronger!

This is a beta test so please share your thoughts on what should be re-balanced or re-checked, how should Medal upgrades be distributed? Should any of them be switched around?

Opening the update for the first time will convert your old Elixir values and Godai element levels to the new ones
Read the full change log inside the game through the version history found in the Settings tab.

Changed depots in betadev branch

View more data in app history for build 12239629
Windows Tap Ninja - Windows Depot 1891701
macOS Tap Ninja - Mac Depot 1891702
Linux Tap Ninja - Linux Depot 1891703
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