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Craftopia update for 25 September 2023

2023/09/25 Update Patch v20230920.2253

Share · View all patches · Build 12238529 · Last edited 25 September 2023 – 09:06:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

◆ Critical Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where the save state of charmed enemies would not finish when restarting the game, resulting in guests being unable to participate in the game in multiplayer.

◆ Bug Fixes

  • We have introduced mitigations for the issue where multiplayer cannot be started.
  • Fixed an issue where the enchantment of an installed building and character status were not updated when extracting enchantments from an equipped item.
  • Fixed an issue where even when purchasing using only ""Rush Silver Coins"", items would be exchanged for ""Rush Gold Coins"" and returned.
  • The UI has been changed so that the building you are accessing will not receive damage.
  • Fixed some bugs where the collision detection and appearance of buildings would be strange on the guest side during multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where players and enemies would warp.
  • Fixed an issue where animations of players other than yourself would not play properly in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where the two-wielding Just Attack Left was no longer a continuous attack.
  • Fixed an issue where Just Evasion would not occur in response to the roar of ""Noble Frog"".
  • Changed so that merchant NPCs who are accessing the UI will not receive damage.
  • Fixed an issue where corpses continued to remain even after defeating Lizard Guillotine. This will resolve the issue where you would be unable to proceed due to Lizard Guillotine in the Boss Rush Dungeon.
  • Corrected the collision detection of ""Gremlin"".
  • Fixed an issue where, after selecting a dungeon to enter once on a dungeon terminal, if you access a terminal in another dungeon, the UI would crash and become unoperable.
  • Fixed an issue where the number of remaining lives in the boss rush dungeon was not displayed to guest players during multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where there were areas in the dungeon where players could unintentionally receive damage.
  • Fixed an issue where the skills ""Master"" and ""Shura"" were not being applied to the sword.
Windows 64-bit Craftopia Windows64 Depot 1307551
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