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Q2 HUMANITY update for 21 September 2023

Bug Fix and Functional Adjustments Update

Share · View all patches · Build 12232395 · Last edited 21 September 2023 – 09:06:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

■ Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug that caused the character to move forward on its own when using the analog stick to control the character.
・Fixed a bug in the "Get out" problem where the game would clear the game when the character was in a ball state.
・The description of how to play has been partially revised.
・Fixed a bug that caused glue to stick in the air in some stages.

■Functional Adjustments
・The cursor is now displayed on the stage selection screen.
・Changed the warp effect on the stage selection screen.
・Speed of movement between areas on the stage selection screen has been increased.
・The long press time to return to the character selection screen has been shortened.
・Shortened the long press time when returning from the character selection screen.
・Event scenes can now be replayed a second time.

We are currently working on a workaround for the problem where objects such as water are not displayed when starting a stage or retrying a stage.
We apologize for the time it will take to fully resolve the issue, but if the problem persists after today's patch, please report the problem on the bulletin board or official X (formerly Twitter).

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