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Mud and Blood update for 19 September 2023

Mud and Blood 0.4.4 hotfixes

Share · View all patches · Build 12229830 · Last edited 19 September 2023 – 22:09:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Good evening folks, I hope your week is alright.

I'm just going to drop a quick hotfix and also a list of the changes and fixes that have been added to the game since the release of 0.4.4, thanks for taking the time to read this and let me know if you find something funky in the game I'll do my best to fix it promptly.


-- Remove debug message Shrek
-- para challenge credits are now taken after a try
-- Nebel not having a function when destroyed fixed (temporary exploding as a pak40)
-- Removed an exception that would not grant the keener steam achievement
-- fixed an error occuring when in a very unlikely occasion you are above rank 13 as a player (bro..)
-- Weasel will now drive behind the frontline instead of right on it
-- Fixed the steam achievement for finishing the campaign
-- Gave a name to Weasels
-- fixed free para wings on wave 50 outside of the para challenge
-- disabled a debug key that would shorten the map
-- Soldiers super close to an enemy will unstealth themselves on the next action unless they are commando
-- soldiers engaged in hand-to-hand will cancel their bipods, and soldiers being swung at will also cancel their bipod.
-- R key quick reset functional again
-- Changed the chunky salsa achievement description on steam


  • Removed some sanity check errors in classic for third-party AI
  • Fixed the memorial hotspots not panning with the camera for headstones
  • Rallying a panicking soldier, cancels the panic and restores the morale of the soldier to 25
  • Enemies spawning with a Shreck will have 50% to have a shot in it.
  • Animals take damage from airbursts and fire
  • reduced the speed of soldiers carrying a panzer Shreck by 10%
  • reduced cover for tank traps to 40%
  • Detector Range reduced to 500
  • sappers with a mine detector can flag mine at 10% + (xp/3) when pigned
  • engineers increase the detector range by xp * 2
  • You can now use the hotkeys in the campaign even when the ui is disabled
  • added an exception caught in the weaponfiring() function, which will proc a debug message if true.
  • Soldiers can now reload their Shreck from nearby ammo boxes on the ground.
  • Added VictoriaCross specific stats to the classic post-game menu for ease of tracking
  • Fixed the broken xp bonus display in the classic

** Known issue, medpacks (white ones) don't drop detectors.


  • Preliminary fix for the sanitiyCheck() fault function
  • Big Red one skill has proper text when activated now
  • Fixed combat jumps and para challenge credits numbering issues
  • Fixed the Deuce dropping too many guys from the 1rst


  • Officer orders don't require officers in airborne challenge
  • fixed a rare occurrence where vehicles could be called off your lines in classic
  • fixed an occurrence where you would be able to spawn more than one sarge


  • fixed a fault with the panzershrek and ammo crate functions


  • Removed the 3 DDay air strikes from classic
  • Added the lil intro jingle to the classic mode
  • Fixed an issue with roads being too numerous in Vire


  • Second fix to Vire roads
  • Fixed an issue where promotions in classic would not give Airborne challenge credits
  • Lowered the chances of getting counter artillery by 20% in classic.
  • fixed a crash occurring when a passenger in a clown car would switch to the driver position.
  • fixed a crash when Germans would loot a weapon off a Weasel truck
  • Increased the reload timer of armoured Cannons in Vire.
  • btw there is a new BC in campaing called tank hunters. It has chances to spawn a team of panzershreck based on the amount of tank fire your AO produces.
  • Added historical names to our First Infantry division guys. (Thanks LTHunter for the research)

Take care guys. I'll see you in the next update.


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