After Taking your Feedback, Fixes were made as fast as possible to fix Critical Bugs.
New Features
- When trading with villagers or buying items from shops, item name will be written above item icon
- (Wait for Paradox) Notification now gives more accurate number about how far the paradox shock wave is
- Tesseract Tutorial in Story Mode will appear only after player takes Truth glasses
- (Find Truth Glasses) Quest will now complete after player time travel to the start of the timeline and wake up
Bug Fixes
- Fixed rare error that happens when player opens village chests
- Fixed player be able to by pass end of timeline by saving game and load it after the clock tower ring
- Fixed player be able by pass paradox shock wave
- Fixed player be able to get infinity money by selling items to NPC when their Inventory is full
Remember you can always Report any Problem you see and fixes will be made as soon as possible.
Changed files in this update