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One-armed cook update for 19 September 2023

Multiplayer improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 12226448 · Last edited 19 September 2023 – 14:32:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

A lot of players have recently complained about the multiplayer in One-armed cook, therefore we have spent a lot of time reworking the player movement system, as well as the item physics to improve the overall multiplayer experience. And we believe that we have done so.

Physics items
Multiplayer is now smooth for hosts as well as clients even when their ping is high, physics items now smoothly replicate and it is way easier for clients to handle items. In the past when players had high ping, there would sometimes be a delay between clicking on an item and picking it up. That has been completely fixed, and picking up items is now instant, even with 100+ ping.

Item bugs
We have also gone through and fixed as many of the physics replication bugs that we could find, or players have reported, this includes buggy boxes, food items, knives, fryer baskets, pizza shovels and more!

Ice cream map
Many people were also reporting the ice cream map to be a laggy mess, and we agree, so of course we have also remade every system for that map, so now it will run smoothly.

Ships and Oceans DLC
Some people were experiencing problems with the crates on Ships and Oceans DLC maps, where items wouldn’t attach to the crates, which has also been fixed.

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