Greetings to all the gifted blacksmiths!
We've done another massive series of tests, fixed many bugs, and are ready to share with you the updated version of Anvil Saga.
What's fixed:
- Freezing pop-up windows with customers' emotions during dialogs.
- A character who has read the book "Woodworking Bible" can no longer get a perk that allows them to do things without reading this book.
- COMPLETELY fixed a bug that could cause customers with wooden orders to come into the sandbox before the workbench was set up.
- Bug with the sun in the tutorial.
- Bug that made it possible to open the store early in the tutorial.
- Bug that caused empty windows to appear in the tutorial while hovering the mouse cursor over the blacksmith's skill icons.
- Darkening borders of orders in the tutorial.
- Bug, because of which the buttons under the interface of selecting the roof type and walls when building or rebuilding a room were pressed.
- Bug with the game freezing if the sick Arthur is beaten with Danna's frying pan.
- Bug that caused orders in the tutorial to not darken when skipping the tutorial.
- If a character whose name was mentioned in a quest died, the quest stayed in the feed forever.
- Bug with overlaying the interface on the window that pops up when hovering over the employee dismissal button.
- Bug in the tutorial with the door not being displayed.
- Fixed the furniture placement system that made it inconvenient to place furniture on the second floor.
- Bugs with text not fitting into pop-up windows.
- Fixed a bug when, during hiring a worker, a character with different characteristics and a different name was hired.
- Fixed the invisible borders of objects in furniture rearrangement mode, because of which it was hard to "hook" items with the mouse and drag them to another room.
- Fixed several cases of displaying the bed icon instead of items in global orders.
- Bug in the menu when the saving files names were broken by changing the language.
- Text in the cut scene after the second fair.
- Out-of-bounds texts in the journal.
- Bug with the not-working perk "Greedy".
- Bug with overlapping text in the cut scenes at the fair if you click on the back arrow during the text output.
- Bug with incomplete output of the blacksmith's name in the blacksmith interface at the bottom of the screen.
- Bug with the order feed and priorities when closing/opening.
- Bug when Antonio's portrait was shown in the order feed instead of the unique item icons.
- Bug with rearranging/buying furniture that broke the logic of rearranging furniture.
- Fixed the invisible borders of some items that were causing problems with the installation of furniture on the second floor.
- Bug with an inaccurate description of log racks.
- Bug with resource string transposition for three-digit values.
- Bug with incorrect text in the quest journal if the player made a perfect locket for Olivia.
- Fixed the dialog bug if you fail the mug order for the Frenchmen or Englishmen for the fair.
- Bug that made it possible to click on the exclamation mark of an unfinished room through the blacksmith tool assignment window.
Thanks to everyone who supports the game and lets us know about bugs. You are the best! We remind you that we have Discord, where you can report bugs and communicate with developers and other players.
Anvil Saga Team
Changed files in this update