- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed AI dices DV to be updated once roll/reroll occur to prevent player from swapping 2 DV instead of the actual DV.
- Fixed player DV kept from Mysterious Runes effect after the opponent paid a point to swap dv in scout phase
- Fixed player's DV change to 2 if the player go above 12 DV.
- Fixed showing player correct dices dv before adding the buff DV during scout phase
- Fixed multiple attack from Omnislash instead of one single attack if the effect condition are met
- Fixed Precision Strike prompt to only select one option
- Fixed Omnislash single attack value showing as wrong value in math bar
- Fixed Counter Strike apply damage to the opponent
- Fixed assassin class bonus activation and deactivation when evade are not success or got transform by power / card effect.
- Fixed player's DV changes when using Skywalker, EQ, and Ice Beam.
- Fixed Avarice animation bug
- Fixed Sliding sweep to not dealing damage when evading
- Fixed RecoveryRoll healing HP even after death
- Fixed UpgradeStack number to reset after every round
- Fixed Player Upgrade banner to show up in certain scenarios, (ex. 3:1 player upgrades)
- Fixed Crumbling Ruins not refreshing its data properly per round, causing it to not deal damage
Halfwish Playtest update for 19 September 2023
190923 Patch Notes
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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