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Cronous update for 19 September 2023

Cronous Online Infinity Server Open Announcement

Share · View all patches · Build 12221610 · Last edited 19 September 2023 – 06:09:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear players
Cronous Online Infinity Serve has now officially started.
Opening time: September 19th, 12:00 GMT+8

Event I: Siege Event
Within 2 weeks of Infinity Server opens, Siege Event will open; The winner of Siege will be rewarded with Event GCoin;
For the Siege Event date and rewards:

  1. The Siege Event will be four weeks after opening (4 times in total);
  2. Siege rewards will be paid in the form of "Event G Coins" to the winner's Guild Leader, who can then use the rewards to purchase game items and give away to Guild members;
  3. Siege rewards will be paid during server maintenance;
  4. Please refer to the latest announcement on the official website for any changes in event;
  5. Holy War Cronous Operational Team shall have the final authority to interpret this event.

Event GCoin Settings and usage Rules

  1. The amount of GCoin earned by top-up will be displayed separately from the amount of Event GCoin;
  2. When you make a purchase, the G-coins in your account (i.e. via Top-up) will be deducted first according to the system default settings.
  3. Event GCoin will be valid for 30 days after opening and will be cleared after expiration, so please use them wisely;

Event II:Discounted(90% off) Package
In order to accelerate the growth of your character, Infinity Server will release a 90% discounted package in the mall;
The 90% discounted packages contain a variety of enhancements and boosters and sold at the 10% of the original price;

Event Rules:
This Package can only be purchased once per account.

Event III: Character Creation Rewards
Event Rules:

  1. You will be rewarded for successfully creating a character and entering the game;
  2. If you create a character before 4pm on the 19th and keep logging in everyday, you will receive a 7-day bonus; if you create a character before 4pm on the 20th and keep logging in daily, you will receive a 6-day bonus, and so on;
  3. Rewards items cannot be traded.

Event IV:Global Server Return Players Package
All Global Server Players can receive a compensation Package after submitting your Steam account and character information.

Event Rules:

  1. Once Infinity Server opens, it requires to create a character in the game and log in;
  2. After registering your VFUN account on VFUN official website, you can contact the Operational Team through the "1:1 Query" on the upper right of the official website;
  3. The subject should clarified: Return Package,
    Content contains: Steam login account, Steam digital ID, newly registered VFUN account game character name, one of the three is indispensable;
  4. The application period is from September 19th to September 26th, and each account can only claime once.

Infinity Server and new version installation, please check:
For more activity content, please refer to: -SavFe0o

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