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Make Her Cum update for 18 September 2023

Introducing Furry Content!

Share · View all patches · Build 12217457 · Last edited 18 September 2023 – 16:46:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

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Hey, pervs!

We are thrilled to announce a brand new update that will add some exciting "Furry" content to enhance your gaming experience. Get ready to express your wild side with the following exciting additions:

  1. 6 Furry' Head Presets: You now have the opportunity to choose from 6 adorable animal head presets for your character! Whether you want to be a cunning cat, a majestic lion, or a mischievous mouse, these presets can be fully customized just like regular faces, allowing you to create a unique and personalized furry character.

  1. 18 Furry Skins: In addition to the head presets, we have also introduced 18 stunning animal skin bases for your furry characters. From vibrant tiger stripes to elegant leopard spots, these skin bases enable you to further embrace your favorite animal's appearance and truly stand out in the game.

  2. Fur Effect on Material: With the fur effect toggle, you have the power to switch the fur texture on or off. This feature allows you to fine-tune your character's appearance by adding that extra layer of realism or simply focusing on the underlying material.

  1. Tail with 6 Shapes: Tails are a signature trait among furries, and we couldn't forget to include them in this update! You now have access to 6 different tail shapes, ranging from sharp and pointed, to fluffy and adorable, to even demonic and mysterious. Choose the tail that best represents your fursona or experiment with different shapes to create a one-of-a-kind character.

We hope these new additions will bring a fresh and exciting dimension to your gameplay experience. Embrace your inner animal and unleash your creativity with these new furry options!

Update your game today and dive into the world of furries with these fantastic features. Don't forget to share your furry creations with the community and let your friends know about this exciting update. Enjoy the adventure and may your paw prints leave a lasting mark in the game!

Happy gaming!

Make Her Cum Content Depot 1824251
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