Huntress mission - Level finish - removed the debug text in the loading screen after beating the level.
Huntress mission - Fixed the inability to exit to the main menu after beating her special mission.
Huntress mission - Fixed the reward not unlocking after beating her special mission.
Tower Of Blood - Re-added the ability to open the items menu. The consumables are still not going to be usable, but this will allow you to disable/enable weapons you want.
Qualtiy of Life - The game now remembers which weapons are enabled/disabled whenever you switch levels, or pick any other gamemodes.
Realm Of The Rogue - Added new music for boss fights.
Heartless & Dreadful : Return By 72 Hours update for 18 September 2023
Patch 1.036
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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Depot 1701891
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Depot 1701892
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