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Corruption of Champions II update for 18 September 2023

New Patch: Haus of Moo

Share · View all patches · Build 12216847 · Last edited 18 September 2023 – 16:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey guys, Wsan here.

I initially wanted to release the Bri Family Expansion all in one go for smoothness reasons but it’s over 600 pages at this point and therefore that’s simply an impossible goal – so it’s going to be piecemeal. There will definitely be some weirdness in the initial patches, like Rina not being interactable despite her presence in scenes. Don’t worry – they’re already written and being coded as we speak! We just can’t implement everything at once. It will feel a little bare and weird for a while, but we’ll get everything out as soon as we can! It’ll take some time to get there, so bear with us. In the meantime, enjoy all the new stuff with the family.


  • Cassia! Brint/Brienne’s voluptuous mother, with a full array of seven sex scenes. Three of them also branch off into their own additional sex scenes! There are multiple branches to choose from at night (between 9pm-10pm and 10pm-6am), too. And just in case you’re wondering, yes, the lovely moo-mom can and will sit on your face.
  • Brint/Brienne companion scenes at the house! Eight of their current sex scenes have been redone for the house, and each of them have one new sex scene apiece! On top of this, they have new conversations and a couple of all-new interaction options. Ever wanted to get your hands on those fuzzy cow ears or brush Brienne/Brint’s hair? Now you can.
  • New busts! There is a whole cornucopia of busts for the girls at the house (17, actually) but some are unlocked by pregnancy/marriage. Luckily for you, we get some of them even before that!

Also New This Patch:

  • Pavo has a new option for the PC eagerly sucking him off during Arona’s quest.
  • There’s a new CG for giving Orlaith a blowjob, by Moira)
Corruption of Champions II Content Depot 1292691
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Windows 64-bit CoC2 Windows Binaries Depot 1292692
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