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Gord update for 18 September 2023

Gord PC Patch 1.3 - Automation and Micromanagement Update

Share · View all patches · Build 12215775 · Last edited 18 September 2023 – 13:06:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Wanderers.

We want to thank you all again for your continued feedback and support for Gord. Your input has been invaluable and has been the driving force in these recent updates.

Today, we're happy to launch patch 1.3 on PC. This update addresses some of the most requested changes by the community, and has a big focus on automation and micromanagement. Once applied to your game, you should see a big reduction in how much you need to hand hold your populace. They should automatically return to work, automatically go to the Balia and Meadery to replenish Health and Sanity, run from danger and much more. A lot of these changes are optional and can be turned on/off in the subject info panel.

We hope this update improves your experience of Gord, and can't wait to hear what you all think! You can find the full list of changes below.

New features

  • Automatically leaving Balia and Meadery when recovered - Subjects will automatically leave Balia or Meadery when their Health or Sanity is fully recovered.
  • Automatic Construction - Subjects will automatically start building, dismantling, or upgrading structures in the gord after being left in idle state or after depositing the resource if any construction slots are free. This is now a basic subject behavior and can be interrupted by issuing any other order.
  • Automatic Work Resumption - Subjects will automatically resume assigned work after 55 seconds of idling inside the gord. There is an additional toggle added to the Subject Info Panel that allows you to turn this automation off.
  • Automatic Combat Assistance toggle - It is now possible to turn combat assistance behavior on or off for every subject. This behavior makes the subject engage in combat that is happening in their vicinity.
  • Automatic Recovery of Health and Sanity inside gord - Subjects will automatically go to Balia or Meadery when they are idling inside gord for about a minute.
  • Automatic Sanity and Health recovery during gathering – When subjects Sanity is below 25% and Health below 45% at the moment of depositing resources, they will first try to recover those parameters to at least 80% before continuing work. There is an additional toggle added to the Subject Info Panel that allows you to turn these automations off.
  • Automatic Health recovery during gathering - When subjects receive damage during the gathering process and their Health drops below 45%, they will Panic Run back to the gord to recover their Health to 80% before resuming their work.
  • Better communicating items rarity on levels -Rarity of items in treasures is now indicated by color of their lightbeam.
  • Updated Minimap - Minimap frame is now smaller with an additional filtering button that allows filtering of particular resources and separates Herbs from other pickables. Places where combat is happening are now marked on the Minimap. Minimap doesn't hide when Subject Info Panel is open.
  • Smaller Subject Info panel - Subject Info Panel takes less space on the HUD than previously and is no longer covering the Minimap when opened. Also, automation toggles were added to its top right corner.
  • Easier item exchange - Subjects no longer need to stand near each other to exchange items.
  • Exchanging items by drag and drop - it is now possible to exchanging items by dragging them from inventory to another subject on the level.
  • Selecting target of order by clicking on portrait - It is now possible to select target of the order or incantation by clicking RMB on subject's portrait.
  • Skipping whole dialogue sequence - Added possibility to skip whole dialogue sequence. Before, a player was able to skip only one line.

Tweaks and Updates

  • NPCs like Merchant or Teacher can now help Subjects in combat.
  • Introduced some optimisations that reduce PC temperature spike when launching the game.
  • Shouts of Subjects are now displayed twice as long on HUD.
  • Reduced the amount of voiced warnings from the Elder. Right now, they will play only when the described situation is outside of the player's viewport.
  • Subjects ordered to stay near the Shrine to regenerate Faith do not return to roaming the gord.
  • Icon for the Temple was replaced.
  • Order queue was improved in relation to guarding subjects.
  • Every tab in game settings now has a dedicated "reset to default" button.
  • All interface elements are now present on the center screen in the triple-monitor setup.
  • Added information about additional Growth points for structure upgrades to the tooltips.
  • When hovering over a building in the Construction Panel, all buildings of this type now have a white, pulsating outline.
  • Added quest area marker to first stage of Horror Challenge.


  • Additional tweaks of Gold consumption for military professions.
  • Rebalance of subjects aging time.
  • Lowered cost of the Firerly.
  • Rebalance of subjects Strengths and Weaknesses. They are more impactful now.
  • The Blood Moon event now happens after 2 hours of gameplay.
  • Increased amount of time needed for corpses to rot.
  • Rebalanced consequences and frequency of Trade off Choices to increase their impact on gameplay.
  • Limit on the number of Carvings in gord was risen, but their effects no longer stack up.
  • Rebalanced Spear of the Sun item.
  • Horror Challenges start now after 1 hour of gameplay.
  • Repairing the Palisade doesn't have any resource cost now.
  • Rebalanced number of Ancients in ninth campaign mission.
  • Horrors have now enabled Health regeneration.
  • Sanity loss in darkness was reduced.
  • Subjects now lose more Sanity as a result of Combat.
  • Increased monsters Health.
  • Rebalancing of Casual Difficulty. It is now a little easier.
  • Temple structure was scaled down to require less building space in gord.
  • Cutting XP gain is faster now.
  • Rebalanced starting experience, items, and talents of Subjects in Custom Scenarios. Profiles are now more diverse.
  • Increased difficulty of Hold your Ground Custom Scenario.
  • Additional tweaks to gold availability in Campaign missions.
  • Reduced drop rate of unique items in treasures in Hold your ground Custom Scenario.
  • More pickable herbs were distributed across the campaign.
  • Golden Boy is now harder to catch.
  • Rebalance of Grain Farm and Gold Mine structures.
  • The Alchemist Hut was added to the fifth Campaign mission.
  • Increased speed of Bloodworms when they are buried underground.
  • Zagatch's attack damage was increased.
  • Health of Spider Queen was increased.
  • Casting ranges of Godray and Abbys incantations are now smaller.
  • Killing enemies now gives less Sanity but more Faith than before.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Fatal error crash that occurred for some players on starting the game in Fullscreen mode (instead of Windowed Fullscreen).
  • Fixed issue with depleted resources still visible on Minimap.
  • Fixed issue with Svarog Rite side quest in fifth campaign mission not completing.
  • Fixed issue with Blood Moon event multiplying numbers of raiders on the level.
  • Fixed issue with some carvings not giving Sanity to Subjects.
  • Fixed issue with Grave Digger side quest in third campaign mission not completing.
  • Fixed issue with Trading Post not regenerating resources available for trading every month.
  • Fixed various issues with items effects not being applied or being applied again after loading the save file.
  • Fixed crash when trying to navigate within the population preview screen with a controller.
  • Fixed issue with subjects being stuck in revive animation.
  • Fixed issue with Hold incantation not holding enemy in place after it was hit.
  • Fixed issue with some items missing description on Starting Group screen.
  • Fixed various issues with the save system.
  • Fixed various issues with localisation.
  • Various other unlisted fixes.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1351211
  • Loading history…
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