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Territory: Farming and Fighting update for 18 September 2023

9-18 Optimization and BUG fixing

Share · View all patches · Build 12215653 · Last edited 18 September 2023 – 12:46:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Optimization: After using the power of faith magic "Saving People from Water and Fire", the warmth and satiety of the residents will be restored to full
Optimization: Border trade, add Titan Heart to buy in the east
New function: When the diagnostic station distributes beauty pills, children and students will receive them
BUG FIXED: Aristocratic students got engaged but did not live with their other half after graduation, and the issue of sleeping on the floor kept showing up.
Optimization: After the honey reaches the upper limit, the honey will still come out to collect honey, but the daily hive will not store it and the beekeeper will not collect the honey.
Optimization: Enable excavation and land creation at the edge of the map
New function: After lying on the ground for N days, an enemy who fainted due to battle will have a 50% chance of dying or standing up again. After standing up, an enemy will have 50% of their health, satiety and warmth value.
Optimization: Enemy raids prioritize the treasury as the target of robbery. If you can't find the way to the treasury, only choose other boxes as targets.
Optimization: Battle trophies, corpses and prisoners are not in the player base, and logistics operations are prohibited by default.
Optimization: In the item quantity interface, after clicking on an item, only one item source interface is displayed to avoid overlapping of too many windows.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1455911
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